Interface ShardFilter.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • type

        ShardFilter.Builder type​(String type)

        The shard type specified in the ShardFilter parameter. This is a required property of the ShardFilter parameter.

        You can specify the following valid values:

        • AFTER_SHARD_ID - the response includes all the shards, starting with the shard whose ID immediately follows the ShardId that you provided.

        • AT_TRIM_HORIZON - the response includes all the shards that were open at TRIM_HORIZON.

        • FROM_TRIM_HORIZON - (default), the response includes all the shards within the retention period of the data stream (trim to tip).

        • AT_LATEST - the response includes only the currently open shards of the data stream.

        • AT_TIMESTAMP - the response includes all shards whose start timestamp is less than or equal to the given timestamp and end timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp or still open.

        • FROM_TIMESTAMP - the response incldues all closed shards whose end timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp and also all open shards. Corrected to TRIM_HORIZON of the data stream if FROM_TIMESTAMP is less than the TRIM_HORIZON value.

        type - The shard type specified in the ShardFilter parameter. This is a required property of the ShardFilter parameter.

        You can specify the following valid values:

        • AFTER_SHARD_ID - the response includes all the shards, starting with the shard whose ID immediately follows the ShardId that you provided.

        • AT_TRIM_HORIZON - the response includes all the shards that were open at TRIM_HORIZON.

        • FROM_TRIM_HORIZON - (default), the response includes all the shards within the retention period of the data stream (trim to tip).

        • AT_LATEST - the response includes only the currently open shards of the data stream.

        • AT_TIMESTAMP - the response includes all shards whose start timestamp is less than or equal to the given timestamp and end timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp or still open.

        • FROM_TIMESTAMP - the response incldues all closed shards whose end timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp and also all open shards. Corrected to TRIM_HORIZON of the data stream if FROM_TIMESTAMP is less than the TRIM_HORIZON value.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ShardFilterType, ShardFilterType
      • type

        ShardFilter.Builder type​(ShardFilterType type)

        The shard type specified in the ShardFilter parameter. This is a required property of the ShardFilter parameter.

        You can specify the following valid values:

        • AFTER_SHARD_ID - the response includes all the shards, starting with the shard whose ID immediately follows the ShardId that you provided.

        • AT_TRIM_HORIZON - the response includes all the shards that were open at TRIM_HORIZON.

        • FROM_TRIM_HORIZON - (default), the response includes all the shards within the retention period of the data stream (trim to tip).

        • AT_LATEST - the response includes only the currently open shards of the data stream.

        • AT_TIMESTAMP - the response includes all shards whose start timestamp is less than or equal to the given timestamp and end timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp or still open.

        • FROM_TIMESTAMP - the response incldues all closed shards whose end timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp and also all open shards. Corrected to TRIM_HORIZON of the data stream if FROM_TIMESTAMP is less than the TRIM_HORIZON value.

        type - The shard type specified in the ShardFilter parameter. This is a required property of the ShardFilter parameter.

        You can specify the following valid values:

        • AFTER_SHARD_ID - the response includes all the shards, starting with the shard whose ID immediately follows the ShardId that you provided.

        • AT_TRIM_HORIZON - the response includes all the shards that were open at TRIM_HORIZON.

        • FROM_TRIM_HORIZON - (default), the response includes all the shards within the retention period of the data stream (trim to tip).

        • AT_LATEST - the response includes only the currently open shards of the data stream.

        • AT_TIMESTAMP - the response includes all shards whose start timestamp is less than or equal to the given timestamp and end timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp or still open.

        • FROM_TIMESTAMP - the response incldues all closed shards whose end timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp and also all open shards. Corrected to TRIM_HORIZON of the data stream if FROM_TIMESTAMP is less than the TRIM_HORIZON value.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ShardFilterType, ShardFilterType
      • shardId

        ShardFilter.Builder shardId​(String shardId)

        The exclusive start shardID speified in the ShardFilter parameter. This property can only be used if the AFTER_SHARD_ID shard type is specified.

        shardId - The exclusive start shardID speified in the ShardFilter parameter. This property can only be used if the AFTER_SHARD_ID shard type is specified.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • timestamp

        ShardFilter.Builder timestamp​(Instant timestamp)

        The timestamps specified in the ShardFilter parameter. A timestamp is a Unix epoch date with precision in milliseconds. For example, 2016-04-04T19:58:46.480-00:00 or 1459799926.480. This property can only be used if FROM_TIMESTAMP or AT_TIMESTAMP shard types are specified.

        timestamp - The timestamps specified in the ShardFilter parameter. A timestamp is a Unix epoch date with precision in milliseconds. For example, 2016-04-04T19:58:46.480-00:00 or 1459799926.480. This property can only be used if FROM_TIMESTAMP or AT_TIMESTAMP shard types are specified.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.