Class CreateStreamRequest

    • Method Detail

      • streamName

        public final String streamName()

        A name to identify the stream. The stream name is scoped to the Amazon Web Services account used by the application that creates the stream. It is also scoped by Amazon Web Services Region. That is, two streams in two different Amazon Web Services accounts can have the same name. Two streams in the same Amazon Web Services account but in two different Regions can also have the same name.

        A name to identify the stream. The stream name is scoped to the Amazon Web Services account used by the application that creates the stream. It is also scoped by Amazon Web Services Region. That is, two streams in two different Amazon Web Services accounts can have the same name. Two streams in the same Amazon Web Services account but in two different Regions can also have the same name.
      • shardCount

        public final Integer shardCount()

        The number of shards that the stream will use. The throughput of the stream is a function of the number of shards; more shards are required for greater provisioned throughput.

        The number of shards that the stream will use. The throughput of the stream is a function of the number of shards; more shards are required for greater provisioned throughput.
      • streamModeDetails

        public final StreamModeDetails streamModeDetails()

        Indicates the capacity mode of the data stream. Currently, in Kinesis Data Streams, you can choose between an on-demand capacity mode and a provisioned capacity mode for your data streams.

        Indicates the capacity mode of the data stream. Currently, in Kinesis Data Streams, you can choose between an on-demand capacity mode and a provisioned capacity mode for your data streams.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object