Interface XksProxyConfigurationType.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • connectivity

        XksProxyConfigurationType.Builder connectivity​(String connectivity)

        Indicates whether the external key store proxy uses a public endpoint or an Amazon VPC endpoint service to communicate with KMS.

        connectivity - Indicates whether the external key store proxy uses a public endpoint or an Amazon VPC endpoint service to communicate with KMS.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        XksProxyConnectivityType, XksProxyConnectivityType
      • connectivity

        XksProxyConfigurationType.Builder connectivity​(XksProxyConnectivityType connectivity)

        Indicates whether the external key store proxy uses a public endpoint or an Amazon VPC endpoint service to communicate with KMS.

        connectivity - Indicates whether the external key store proxy uses a public endpoint or an Amazon VPC endpoint service to communicate with KMS.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        XksProxyConnectivityType, XksProxyConnectivityType
      • uriEndpoint

        XksProxyConfigurationType.Builder uriEndpoint​(String uriEndpoint)

        The URI endpoint for the external key store proxy.

        If the external key store proxy has a public endpoint, it is displayed here.

        If the external key store proxy uses an Amazon VPC endpoint service name, this field displays the private DNS name associated with the VPC endpoint service.

        uriEndpoint - The URI endpoint for the external key store proxy.

        If the external key store proxy has a public endpoint, it is displayed here.

        If the external key store proxy uses an Amazon VPC endpoint service name, this field displays the private DNS name associated with the VPC endpoint service.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • uriPath

        XksProxyConfigurationType.Builder uriPath​(String uriPath)

        The path to the external key store proxy APIs.

        uriPath - The path to the external key store proxy APIs.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • vpcEndpointServiceName

        XksProxyConfigurationType.Builder vpcEndpointServiceName​(String vpcEndpointServiceName)

        The Amazon VPC endpoint service used to communicate with the external key store proxy. This field appears only when the external key store proxy uses an Amazon VPC endpoint service to communicate with KMS.

        vpcEndpointServiceName - The Amazon VPC endpoint service used to communicate with the external key store proxy. This field appears only when the external key store proxy uses an Amazon VPC endpoint service to communicate with KMS.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.