Interface ProxyConfiguration.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • host

        ProxyConfiguration.Builder host​(String host)
        Set the hostname of the proxy.
        host - The proxy host.
        This object for method chaining.
      • port

        ProxyConfiguration.Builder port​(int port)
        Set the port that the proxy expects connections on.
        port - The proxy port.
        This object for method chaining.
      • scheme

        ProxyConfiguration.Builder scheme​(String scheme)
        The HTTP scheme to use for connecting to the proxy. Valid values are http and https.

        The client defaults to http if none is given.

        scheme - The proxy scheme.
        This object for method chaining.
      • nonProxyHosts

        ProxyConfiguration.Builder nonProxyHosts​(Set<String> nonProxyHosts)
        Set the set of hosts that should not be proxied. Any request whose host portion matches any of the patterns given in the set will be sent to the remote host directly instead of through the proxy.
        nonProxyHosts - The set of hosts that should not be proxied.
        This object for method chaining.
      • username

        ProxyConfiguration.Builder username​(String username)
        Set the username used to authenticate with the proxy username.
        username - The proxy username.
        This object for method chaining.
      • password

        ProxyConfiguration.Builder password​(String password)
        Set the password used to authenticate with the proxy password.
        password - The proxy password.
        This object for method chaining.
      • useSystemPropertyValues

        ProxyConfiguration.Builder useSystemPropertyValues​(Boolean useSystemPropertyValues)
        Set the option whether to use system property values from ProxySystemSetting if any of the config options are missing. The value is set to "true" by default which means SDK will automatically use system property values if options are not provided during building the ProxyConfiguration object. To disable this behaviour, set this value to false.It is important to note that when this property is set to "true," all proxy settings will exclusively be obtained from System Property Values, and no partial settings will be obtained from Environment Variable Values.
        useSystemPropertyValues - The option whether to use system property values
        This object for method chaining.
      • useEnvironmentVariableValues

        ProxyConfiguration.Builder useEnvironmentVariableValues​(Boolean useEnvironmentVariablesValues)
        Set the option whether to use environment variable values for ProxyEnvironmentSetting if any of the config options are missing. The value is set to "true" by default, enabling the SDK to automatically use environment variable values for proxy configuration options that are not provided during building the ProxyConfiguration object. To disable this behavior, set this value to "false".It is important to note that when this property is set to "true," all proxy settings will exclusively originate from Environment Variable Values, and no partial settings will be obtained from System Property Values.

        Comma-separated host names in the NO_PROXY environment variable indicate multiple hosts to exclude from proxy settings.

        useEnvironmentVariablesValues - The option whether to use environment variable values
        This object for method chaining.