Interface Http2Configuration.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • maxStreams

        Http2Configuration.Builder maxStreams​(Long maxStreams)
        Sets the max number of concurrent streams per connection.

        Note that this cannot exceed the value of the MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS setting returned by the service. If it does the service setting is used instead.

        maxStreams - Max concurrent HTTP/2 streams per connection.
        This builder for method chaining.
      • healthCheckPingPeriod

        Http2Configuration.Builder healthCheckPingPeriod​(Duration healthCheckPingPeriod)
        Sets the period that the Netty client will send PING frames to the remote endpoint to check the health of the connection. The default value is NettyConfiguration.HTTP2_CONNECTION_PING_TIMEOUT_SECONDS. To disable this feature, set a duration of 0.
        healthCheckPingPeriod - The ping period.
        This builder for method chaining.