Class PathMarshaller

  • public abstract class PathMarshaller
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • NON_GREEDY

        public static final PathMarshaller NON_GREEDY
        Marshaller for non greedy path labels. Value is URL encoded and then replaced in the request URI.
      • GREEDY

        public static final PathMarshaller GREEDY
        Marshaller for greedy path labels. Value is not URL encoded and replaced in the request URI.

        public static final PathMarshaller GREEDY_WITH_SLASHES
        Marshaller for greedy path labels that allows leading slahes. Value is not URL encoded and replaced in the request URI.
    • Method Detail

      • marshall

        public abstract String marshall​(String resourcePath,
                                        String paramName,
                                        String pathValue)
        resourcePath - Current resource path with path param placeholder
        paramName - Name of parameter (i.e. placeholder value {Foo})
        pathValue - String value of path parameter.
        New URI with placeholder replaced with marshalled value.