Class ScatterPlotConfiguration

    • Method Detail

      • fieldWells

        public final ScatterPlotFieldWells fieldWells()

        The field wells of the visual.

        The field wells of the visual.
      • sortConfiguration

        public final ScatterPlotSortConfiguration sortConfiguration()

        The sort configuration of a scatter plot.

        The sort configuration of a scatter plot.
      • xAxisLabelOptions

        public final ChartAxisLabelOptions xAxisLabelOptions()

        The label options (label text, label visibility, and sort icon visibility) of the scatter plot's x-axis.

        The label options (label text, label visibility, and sort icon visibility) of the scatter plot's x-axis.
      • xAxisDisplayOptions

        public final AxisDisplayOptions xAxisDisplayOptions()

        The label display options (grid line, range, scale, and axis step) of the scatter plot's x-axis.

        The label display options (grid line, range, scale, and axis step) of the scatter plot's x-axis.
      • yAxisLabelOptions

        public final ChartAxisLabelOptions yAxisLabelOptions()

        The label options (label text, label visibility, and sort icon visibility) of the scatter plot's y-axis.

        The label options (label text, label visibility, and sort icon visibility) of the scatter plot's y-axis.
      • yAxisDisplayOptions

        public final AxisDisplayOptions yAxisDisplayOptions()

        The label display options (grid line, range, scale, and axis step) of the scatter plot's y-axis.

        The label display options (grid line, range, scale, and axis step) of the scatter plot's y-axis.
      • legend

        public final LegendOptions legend()

        The legend display setup of the visual.

        The legend display setup of the visual.
      • dataLabels

        public final DataLabelOptions dataLabels()

        The options that determine if visual data labels are displayed.

        The options that determine if visual data labels are displayed.
      • tooltip

        public final TooltipOptions tooltip()

        The legend display setup of the visual.

        The legend display setup of the visual.
      • visualPalette

        public final VisualPalette visualPalette()

        The palette (chart color) display setup of the visual.

        The palette (chart color) display setup of the visual.
      • interactions

        public final VisualInteractionOptions interactions()

        The general visual interactions setup for a visual.

        The general visual interactions setup for a visual.
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object
      • getValueForField

        public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField​(String fieldName,
                                                      Class<T> clazz)