Class SheetDefinition

    • Method Detail

      • sheetId

        public final String sheetId()

        The unique identifier of a sheet.

        The unique identifier of a sheet.
      • title

        public final String title()

        The title of the sheet.

        The title of the sheet.
      • description

        public final String description()

        A description of the sheet.

        A description of the sheet.
      • name

        public final String name()

        The name of the sheet. This name is displayed on the sheet's tab in the Amazon QuickSight console.

        The name of the sheet. This name is displayed on the sheet's tab in the Amazon QuickSight console.
      • hasParameterControls

        public final boolean hasParameterControls()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the ParameterControls property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • hasFilterControls

        public final boolean hasFilterControls()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the FilterControls property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • filterControls

        public final List<FilterControl> filterControls()

        The list of filter controls that are on a sheet.

        For more information, see Adding filter controls to analysis sheets in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasFilterControls() method.

        The list of filter controls that are on a sheet.

        For more information, see Adding filter controls to analysis sheets in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

      • hasVisuals

        public final boolean hasVisuals()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the Visuals property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • visuals

        public final List<Visual> visuals()

        A list of the visuals that are on a sheet. Visual placement is determined by the layout of the sheet.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasVisuals() method.

        A list of the visuals that are on a sheet. Visual placement is determined by the layout of the sheet.
      • hasTextBoxes

        public final boolean hasTextBoxes()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the TextBoxes property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • textBoxes

        public final List<SheetTextBox> textBoxes()

        The text boxes that are on a sheet.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasTextBoxes() method.

        The text boxes that are on a sheet.
      • hasLayouts

        public final boolean hasLayouts()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the Layouts property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • layouts

        public final List<Layout> layouts()

        Layouts define how the components of a sheet are arranged.

        For more information, see Types of layout in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasLayouts() method.

        Layouts define how the components of a sheet are arranged.

        For more information, see Types of layout in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

      • hasSheetControlLayouts

        public final boolean hasSheetControlLayouts()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the SheetControlLayouts property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • sheetControlLayouts

        public final List<SheetControlLayout> sheetControlLayouts()

        The control layouts of the sheet.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasSheetControlLayouts() method.

        The control layouts of the sheet.
      • contentType

        public final SheetContentType contentType()

        The layout content type of the sheet. Choose one of the following options:

        • PAGINATED: Creates a sheet for a paginated report.

        • INTERACTIVE: Creates a sheet for an interactive dashboard.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, contentType will return SheetContentType.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from contentTypeAsString().

        The layout content type of the sheet. Choose one of the following options:

        • PAGINATED: Creates a sheet for a paginated report.

        • INTERACTIVE: Creates a sheet for an interactive dashboard.

        See Also:
      • contentTypeAsString

        public final String contentTypeAsString()

        The layout content type of the sheet. Choose one of the following options:

        • PAGINATED: Creates a sheet for a paginated report.

        • INTERACTIVE: Creates a sheet for an interactive dashboard.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, contentType will return SheetContentType.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from contentTypeAsString().

        The layout content type of the sheet. Choose one of the following options:

        • PAGINATED: Creates a sheet for a paginated report.

        • INTERACTIVE: Creates a sheet for an interactive dashboard.

        See Also:
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object
      • getValueForField

        public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField​(String fieldName,
                                                      Class<T> clazz)