Class S3Configuration

    • Method Detail

      • pathStyleAccessEnabled

        public boolean pathStyleAccessEnabled()

        Returns whether the client uses path-style access for all requests.

        Amazon S3 supports virtual-hosted-style and path-style access in all Regions. The path-style syntax, however, requires that you use the region-specific endpoint when attempting to access a bucket.

        The default behaviour is to detect which access style to use based on the configured endpoint (an IP will result in path-style access) and the bucket being accessed (some buckets are not valid DNS names). Setting this flag will result in path-style access being used for all requests.

        True is the client should always use path-style access
      • accelerateModeEnabled

        public boolean accelerateModeEnabled()

        Returns whether the client has enabled accelerate mode for getting and putting objects.

        The default behavior is to disable accelerate mode for any operations (GET, PUT, DELETE). You need to call S3Client.putBucketAccelerateConfiguration(PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest) first to use this feature.

        True if accelerate mode is enabled.
      • dualstackEnabled

        public boolean dualstackEnabled()

        Returns whether the client is configured to use dualstack mode for accessing S3. If you want to use IPv6 when accessing S3, dualstack must be enabled.

        Dualstack endpoints are disabled by default.

        True if the client will use the dualstack endpoints
      • checksumValidationEnabled

        public boolean checksumValidationEnabled()
      • chunkedEncodingEnabled

        public boolean chunkedEncodingEnabled()
        Returns whether the client should use chunked encoding when signing the payload body.

        This option only currently applies to PutObjectRequest and UploadPartRequest.

        True if chunked encoding should be used.
      • useArnRegionEnabled

        public boolean useArnRegionEnabled()
        Returns whether the client is allowed to make cross-region calls when an S3 Access Point ARN has a different region to the one configured on the client.

        True if a different region in the ARN can be used.
      • multiRegionEnabled

        public boolean multiRegionEnabled()
        Returns whether the client is allowed to make cross-region calls when using an S3 Multi-Region Access Point ARN.

        True if multi-region ARNs is enabled.