Class S3EndpointUtils

  • public final class S3EndpointUtils
    extends Object
    Utilities for working with Amazon S3 bucket names and endpoints.
    • Method Detail

      • removeFipsIfNeeded

        public static String removeFipsIfNeeded​(String region)
      • isFipsRegion

        public static boolean isFipsRegion​(String region)
      • isAccelerateEnabled

        public static boolean isAccelerateEnabled​(S3Configuration serviceConfiguration)
        True if accelerate mode is enabled per S3Configuration, false if not.
      • isAccelerateSupported

        public static boolean isAccelerateSupported​(SdkRequest originalRequest)
        originalRequest - Request object to identify the operation.
        True if accelerate is supported for the given operation, false if not.
      • accelerateEndpoint

        public static URI accelerateEndpoint​(String domain,
                                             String protocol)
        The endpoint for an S3 accelerate enabled operation. S3 accelerate has a single global endpoint.
      • accelerateDualstackEndpoint

        public static URI accelerateDualstackEndpoint​(String domain,
                                                      String protocol)
        The endpoint for an S3 accelerate enabled operation. S3 accelerate has a single global endpoint.
      • isDualstackEnabled

        public static boolean isDualstackEnabled​(S3Configuration serviceConfiguration)
        True if dualstack is enabled per S3Configuration, false if not.
      • dualstackEndpoint

        public static URI dualstackEndpoint​(String id,
                                            String domain,
                                            String protocol)
        dual stack endpoint from given protocol and region metadata
      • fipsEndpoint

        public static URI fipsEndpoint​(String id,
                                       String domain,
                                       String protocol)
        fips endpoint from given protocol and region metadata
      • fipsDualstackEndpoint

        public static URI fipsDualstackEndpoint​(String id,
                                                String domain,
                                                String protocol)
        dual stack + fips endpoint from given protocol and region metadata
      • isPathStyleAccessEnabled

        public static boolean isPathStyleAccessEnabled​(S3Configuration serviceConfiguration)
        True if path style access is enabled per S3Configuration, false if not.
      • isArnRegionEnabled

        public static boolean isArnRegionEnabled​(S3Configuration serviceConfiguration)
      • changeToDnsEndpoint

        public static void changeToDnsEndpoint​(SdkHttpRequest.Builder mutableRequest,
                                               String bucketName)
        Changes from path style addressing (which the marshallers produce by default, to DNS style or virtual style addressing where the bucket name is prepended to the host. DNS style addressing is preferred due to the better load balancing qualities it provides, path style is an option mainly for proxy based situations and alternative S3 implementations.
        mutableRequest - Marshalled HTTP request we are modifying.
        bucketName - Bucket name for this particular operation.
      • isArn

        public static boolean isArn​(String s)