Interface S3AuthSchemeParams.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • bucket

        S3AuthSchemeParams.Builder bucket​(String bucket)
        The S3 bucket used to send the request. This is an optional parameter that will be set automatically for operations that are scoped to an S3 bucket.
      • useFips

        S3AuthSchemeParams.Builder useFips​(Boolean useFIPS)
        When true, send this request to the FIPS-compliant regional endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not have a FIPS compliant endpoint, dispatching the request will return an error.
      • useDualStack

        S3AuthSchemeParams.Builder useDualStack​(Boolean useDualStack)
        When true, use the dual-stack endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not support dual-stack, dispatching the request MAY return an error.
      • forcePathStyle

        S3AuthSchemeParams.Builder forcePathStyle​(Boolean forcePathStyle)
        When true, force a path-style endpoint to be used where the bucket name is part of the path.
      • useGlobalEndpoint

        S3AuthSchemeParams.Builder useGlobalEndpoint​(Boolean useGlobalEndpoint)
        Whether the global endpoint should be used, rather then the regional endpoint for us-east-1.
      • useObjectLambdaEndpoint

        S3AuthSchemeParams.Builder useObjectLambdaEndpoint​(Boolean useObjectLambdaEndpoint)
        Internal parameter to use object lambda endpoint for an operation (eg: WriteGetObjectResponse)
      • key

        S3AuthSchemeParams.Builder key​(String key)
        The S3 Key used to send the request. This is an optional parameter that will be set automatically for operations that are scoped to an S3 Key.
      • prefix

        S3AuthSchemeParams.Builder prefix​(String prefix)
        The S3 Prefix used to send the request. This is an optional parameter that will be set automatically for operations that are scoped to an S3 Prefix.
      • disableMultiRegionAccessPoints

        S3AuthSchemeParams.Builder disableMultiRegionAccessPoints​(Boolean disableMultiRegionAccessPoints)
        Whether multi-region access points (MRAP) should be disabled.
      • useArnRegion

        S3AuthSchemeParams.Builder useArnRegion​(Boolean useArnRegion)
        When an Access Point ARN is provided and this flag is enabled, the SDK MUST use the ARN's region when constructing the endpoint instead of the client's configured region.