Interface Condition.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals

        Condition.Builder httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals​(String httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals)

        The HTTP error code when the redirect is applied. In the event of an error, if the error code equals this value, then the specified redirect is applied. Required when parent element Condition is specified and sibling KeyPrefixEquals is not specified. If both are specified, then both must be true for the redirect to be applied.

        httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals - The HTTP error code when the redirect is applied. In the event of an error, if the error code equals this value, then the specified redirect is applied. Required when parent element Condition is specified and sibling KeyPrefixEquals is not specified. If both are specified, then both must be true for the redirect to be applied.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • keyPrefixEquals

        Condition.Builder keyPrefixEquals​(String keyPrefixEquals)

        The object key name prefix when the redirect is applied. For example, to redirect requests for ExamplePage.html, the key prefix will be ExamplePage.html. To redirect request for all pages with the prefix docs/, the key prefix will be /docs, which identifies all objects in the docs/ folder. Required when the parent element Condition is specified and sibling HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals is not specified. If both conditions are specified, both must be true for the redirect to be applied.

        Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see XML related object key constraints.

        keyPrefixEquals - The object key name prefix when the redirect is applied. For example, to redirect requests for ExamplePage.html, the key prefix will be ExamplePage.html. To redirect request for all pages with the prefix docs/, the key prefix will be /docs, which identifies all objects in the docs/ folder. Required when the parent element Condition is specified and sibling HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals is not specified. If both conditions are specified, both must be true for the redirect to be applied.

        Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see XML related object key constraints.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.