Class SessionCredentials

    • Method Detail

      • accessKeyId

        public final String accessKeyId()

        A unique identifier that's associated with a secret access key. The access key ID and the secret access key are used together to sign programmatic Amazon Web Services requests cryptographically.

        A unique identifier that's associated with a secret access key. The access key ID and the secret access key are used together to sign programmatic Amazon Web Services requests cryptographically.
      • secretAccessKey

        public final String secretAccessKey()

        A key that's used with the access key ID to cryptographically sign programmatic Amazon Web Services requests. Signing a request identifies the sender and prevents the request from being altered.

        A key that's used with the access key ID to cryptographically sign programmatic Amazon Web Services requests. Signing a request identifies the sender and prevents the request from being altered.
      • sessionToken

        public final String sessionToken()

        A part of the temporary security credentials. The session token is used to validate the temporary security credentials.

        A part of the temporary security credentials. The session token is used to validate the temporary security credentials.
      • expiration

        public final Instant expiration()

        Temporary security credentials expire after a specified interval. After temporary credentials expire, any calls that you make with those credentials will fail. So you must generate a new set of temporary credentials. Temporary credentials cannot be extended or refreshed beyond the original specified interval.

        Temporary security credentials expire after a specified interval. After temporary credentials expire, any calls that you make with those credentials will fail. So you must generate a new set of temporary credentials. Temporary credentials cannot be extended or refreshed beyond the original specified interval.
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object
      • getValueForField

        public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField​(String fieldName,
                                                      Class<T> clazz)