Interface HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • instanceCount

        HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig.Builder instanceCount​(Integer instanceCount)

        The number of compute instances of type InstanceType to use. For distributed training, select a value greater than 1.

        instanceCount - The number of compute instances of type InstanceType to use. For distributed training, select a value greater than 1.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • volumeSizeInGB

        HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig.Builder volumeSizeInGB​(Integer volumeSizeInGB)

        The volume size in GB for the storage volume to be used in processing hyperparameter optimization jobs (optional). These volumes store model artifacts, incremental states and optionally, scratch space for training algorithms. Do not provide a value for this parameter if a value for InstanceConfigs is also specified.

        Some instance types have a fixed total local storage size. If you select one of these instances for training, VolumeSizeInGB cannot be greater than this total size. For a list of instance types with local instance storage and their sizes, see instance store volumes.

        SageMaker supports only the General Purpose SSD (gp2) storage volume type.

        volumeSizeInGB - The volume size in GB for the storage volume to be used in processing hyperparameter optimization jobs (optional). These volumes store model artifacts, incremental states and optionally, scratch space for training algorithms. Do not provide a value for this parameter if a value for InstanceConfigs is also specified.

        Some instance types have a fixed total local storage size. If you select one of these instances for training, VolumeSizeInGB cannot be greater than this total size. For a list of instance types with local instance storage and their sizes, see instance store volumes.

        SageMaker supports only the General Purpose SSD (gp2) storage volume type.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • volumeKmsKeyId

        HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig.Builder volumeKmsKeyId​(String volumeKmsKeyId)

        A key used by Amazon Web Services Key Management Service to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the compute instances used to run the training job. You can use either of the following formats to specify a key.

        KMS Key ID:


        Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a KMS key:


        Some instances use local storage, which use a hardware module to encrypt storage volumes. If you choose one of these instance types, you cannot request a VolumeKmsKeyId. For a list of instance types that use local storage, see instance store volumes. For more information about Amazon Web Services Key Management Service, see KMS encryption for more information.

        volumeKmsKeyId - A key used by Amazon Web Services Key Management Service to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the compute instances used to run the training job. You can use either of the following formats to specify a key.

        KMS Key ID:


        Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a KMS key:


        Some instances use local storage, which use a hardware module to encrypt storage volumes. If you choose one of these instance types, you cannot request a VolumeKmsKeyId. For a list of instance types that use local storage, see instance store volumes. For more information about Amazon Web Services Key Management Service, see KMS encryption for more information.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instanceConfigs

        HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig.Builder instanceConfigs​(Collection<HyperParameterTuningInstanceConfig> instanceConfigs)

        A list containing the configuration(s) for one or more resources for processing hyperparameter jobs. These resources include compute instances and storage volumes to use in model training jobs launched by hyperparameter tuning jobs. The AllocationStrategy controls the order in which multiple configurations provided in InstanceConfigs are used.

        If you only want to use a single instance configuration inside the HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig API, do not provide a value for InstanceConfigs. Instead, use InstanceType, VolumeSizeInGB and InstanceCount. If you use InstanceConfigs, do not provide values for InstanceType, VolumeSizeInGB or InstanceCount.

        instanceConfigs - A list containing the configuration(s) for one or more resources for processing hyperparameter jobs. These resources include compute instances and storage volumes to use in model training jobs launched by hyperparameter tuning jobs. The AllocationStrategy controls the order in which multiple configurations provided in InstanceConfigs are used.

        If you only want to use a single instance configuration inside the HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig API, do not provide a value for InstanceConfigs. Instead, use InstanceType, VolumeSizeInGB and InstanceCount. If you use InstanceConfigs, do not provide values for InstanceType, VolumeSizeInGB or InstanceCount.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instanceConfigs

        HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig.Builder instanceConfigs​(HyperParameterTuningInstanceConfig... instanceConfigs)

        A list containing the configuration(s) for one or more resources for processing hyperparameter jobs. These resources include compute instances and storage volumes to use in model training jobs launched by hyperparameter tuning jobs. The AllocationStrategy controls the order in which multiple configurations provided in InstanceConfigs are used.

        If you only want to use a single instance configuration inside the HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig API, do not provide a value for InstanceConfigs. Instead, use InstanceType, VolumeSizeInGB and InstanceCount. If you use InstanceConfigs, do not provide values for InstanceType, VolumeSizeInGB or InstanceCount.

        instanceConfigs - A list containing the configuration(s) for one or more resources for processing hyperparameter jobs. These resources include compute instances and storage volumes to use in model training jobs launched by hyperparameter tuning jobs. The AllocationStrategy controls the order in which multiple configurations provided in InstanceConfigs are used.

        If you only want to use a single instance configuration inside the HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig API, do not provide a value for InstanceConfigs. Instead, use InstanceType, VolumeSizeInGB and InstanceCount. If you use InstanceConfigs, do not provide values for InstanceType, VolumeSizeInGB or InstanceCount.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instanceConfigs

        HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig.Builder instanceConfigs​(Consumer<HyperParameterTuningInstanceConfig.Builder>... instanceConfigs)

        A list containing the configuration(s) for one or more resources for processing hyperparameter jobs. These resources include compute instances and storage volumes to use in model training jobs launched by hyperparameter tuning jobs. The AllocationStrategy controls the order in which multiple configurations provided in InstanceConfigs are used.

        If you only want to use a single instance configuration inside the HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig API, do not provide a value for InstanceConfigs. Instead, use InstanceType, VolumeSizeInGB and InstanceCount. If you use InstanceConfigs, do not provide values for InstanceType, VolumeSizeInGB or InstanceCount.

        This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the HyperParameterTuningInstanceConfig.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via HyperParameterTuningInstanceConfig.builder().

        When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to #instanceConfigs(List).

        instanceConfigs - a consumer that will call methods on HyperParameterTuningInstanceConfig.Builder
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also: