Interface InferenceExecutionConfig.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • mode

        InferenceExecutionConfig.Builder mode​(String mode)

        How containers in a multi-container are run. The following values are valid.

        • SERIAL - Containers run as a serial pipeline.

        • DIRECT - Only the individual container that you specify is run.

        mode - How containers in a multi-container are run. The following values are valid.

        • SERIAL - Containers run as a serial pipeline.

        • DIRECT - Only the individual container that you specify is run.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        InferenceExecutionMode, InferenceExecutionMode
      • mode

        InferenceExecutionConfig.Builder mode​(InferenceExecutionMode mode)

        How containers in a multi-container are run. The following values are valid.

        • SERIAL - Containers run as a serial pipeline.

        • DIRECT - Only the individual container that you specify is run.

        mode - How containers in a multi-container are run. The following values are valid.

        • SERIAL - Containers run as a serial pipeline.

        • DIRECT - Only the individual container that you specify is run.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        InferenceExecutionMode, InferenceExecutionMode