Class ListModelCardExportJobsRequest

    • Method Detail

      • modelCardName

        public final String modelCardName()

        List export jobs for the model card with the specified name.

        List export jobs for the model card with the specified name.
      • modelCardVersion

        public final Integer modelCardVersion()

        List export jobs for the model card with the specified version.

        List export jobs for the model card with the specified version.
      • creationTimeAfter

        public final Instant creationTimeAfter()

        Only list model card export jobs that were created after the time specified.

        Only list model card export jobs that were created after the time specified.
      • creationTimeBefore

        public final Instant creationTimeBefore()

        Only list model card export jobs that were created before the time specified.

        Only list model card export jobs that were created before the time specified.
      • modelCardExportJobNameContains

        public final String modelCardExportJobNameContains()

        Only list model card export jobs with names that contain the specified string.

        Only list model card export jobs with names that contain the specified string.
      • sortByAsString

        public final String sortByAsString()

        Sort model card export jobs by either name or creation time. Sorts by creation time by default.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, sortBy will return ModelCardExportJobSortBy.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from sortByAsString().

        Sort model card export jobs by either name or creation time. Sorts by creation time by default.
        See Also:
      • nextToken

        public final String nextToken()

        If the response to a previous ListModelCardExportJobs request was truncated, the response includes a NextToken. To retrieve the next set of model card export jobs, use the token in the next request.

        If the response to a previous ListModelCardExportJobs request was truncated, the response includes a NextToken. To retrieve the next set of model card export jobs, use the token in the next request.
      • maxResults

        public final Integer maxResults()

        The maximum number of model card export jobs to list.

        The maximum number of model card export jobs to list.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object