Interface SelectiveExecutionConfig.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • sourcePipelineExecutionArn

        SelectiveExecutionConfig.Builder sourcePipelineExecutionArn​(String sourcePipelineExecutionArn)

        The ARN from a reference execution of the current pipeline. Used to copy input collaterals needed for the selected steps to run. The execution status of the pipeline can be either Failed or Success.

        This field is required if the steps you specify for SelectedSteps depend on output collaterals from any non-specified pipeline steps. For more information, see Selective Execution for Pipeline Steps.

        sourcePipelineExecutionArn - The ARN from a reference execution of the current pipeline. Used to copy input collaterals needed for the selected steps to run. The execution status of the pipeline can be either Failed or Success.

        This field is required if the steps you specify for SelectedSteps depend on output collaterals from any non-specified pipeline steps. For more information, see Selective Execution for Pipeline Steps.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • selectedSteps

        SelectiveExecutionConfig.Builder selectedSteps​(Collection<SelectedStep> selectedSteps)

        A list of pipeline steps to run. All step(s) in all path(s) between two selected steps should be included.

        selectedSteps - A list of pipeline steps to run. All step(s) in all path(s) between two selected steps should be included.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • selectedSteps

        SelectiveExecutionConfig.Builder selectedSteps​(SelectedStep... selectedSteps)

        A list of pipeline steps to run. All step(s) in all path(s) between two selected steps should be included.

        selectedSteps - A list of pipeline steps to run. All step(s) in all path(s) between two selected steps should be included.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.