Class UpdatePipelineRequest

    • Method Detail

      • pipelineName

        public final String pipelineName()

        The name of the pipeline to update.

        The name of the pipeline to update.
      • pipelineDisplayName

        public final String pipelineDisplayName()

        The display name of the pipeline.

        The display name of the pipeline.
      • pipelineDefinition

        public final String pipelineDefinition()

        The JSON pipeline definition.

        The JSON pipeline definition.
      • pipelineDefinitionS3Location

        public final PipelineDefinitionS3Location pipelineDefinitionS3Location()

        The location of the pipeline definition stored in Amazon S3. If specified, SageMaker will retrieve the pipeline definition from this location.

        The location of the pipeline definition stored in Amazon S3. If specified, SageMaker will retrieve the pipeline definition from this location.
      • pipelineDescription

        public final String pipelineDescription()

        The description of the pipeline.

        The description of the pipeline.
      • roleArn

        public final String roleArn()

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that the pipeline uses to execute.

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that the pipeline uses to execute.
      • parallelismConfiguration

        public final ParallelismConfiguration parallelismConfiguration()

        If specified, it applies to all executions of this pipeline by default.

        If specified, it applies to all executions of this pipeline by default.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object