Interface SendEmailRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • source

        SendEmailRequest.Builder source​(String source)

        The email address that is sending the email. This email address must be either individually verified with Amazon SES, or from a domain that has been verified with Amazon SES. For information about verifying identities, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

        If you are sending on behalf of another user and have been permitted to do so by a sending authorization policy, then you must also specify the SourceArn parameter. For more information about sending authorization, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

        Amazon SES does not support the SMTPUTF8 extension, as described in RFC6531. For this reason, the email address string must be 7-bit ASCII. If you want to send to or from email addresses that contain Unicode characters in the domain part of an address, you must encode the domain using Punycode. Punycode is not permitted in the local part of the email address (the part before the @ sign) nor in the "friendly from" name. If you want to use Unicode characters in the "friendly from" name, you must encode the "friendly from" name using MIME encoded-word syntax, as described in Sending raw email using the Amazon SES API. For more information about Punycode, see RFC 3492.

        source - The email address that is sending the email. This email address must be either individually verified with Amazon SES, or from a domain that has been verified with Amazon SES. For information about verifying identities, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

        If you are sending on behalf of another user and have been permitted to do so by a sending authorization policy, then you must also specify the SourceArn parameter. For more information about sending authorization, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

        Amazon SES does not support the SMTPUTF8 extension, as described in RFC6531. For this reason, the email address string must be 7-bit ASCII. If you want to send to or from email addresses that contain Unicode characters in the domain part of an address, you must encode the domain using Punycode. Punycode is not permitted in the local part of the email address (the part before the @ sign) nor in the "friendly from" name. If you want to use Unicode characters in the "friendly from" name, you must encode the "friendly from" name using MIME encoded-word syntax, as described in Sending raw email using the Amazon SES API. For more information about Punycode, see RFC 3492.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • destination

        SendEmailRequest.Builder destination​(Destination destination)

        The destination for this email, composed of To:, CC:, and BCC: fields.

        destination - The destination for this email, composed of To:, CC:, and BCC: fields.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • message

        SendEmailRequest.Builder message​(Message message)

        The message to be sent.

        message - The message to be sent.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • replyToAddresses

        SendEmailRequest.Builder replyToAddresses​(Collection<String> replyToAddresses)

        The reply-to email address(es) for the message. If the recipient replies to the message, each reply-to address receives the reply.

        replyToAddresses - The reply-to email address(es) for the message. If the recipient replies to the message, each reply-to address receives the reply.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • replyToAddresses

        SendEmailRequest.Builder replyToAddresses​(String... replyToAddresses)

        The reply-to email address(es) for the message. If the recipient replies to the message, each reply-to address receives the reply.

        replyToAddresses - The reply-to email address(es) for the message. If the recipient replies to the message, each reply-to address receives the reply.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • returnPath

        SendEmailRequest.Builder returnPath​(String returnPath)

        The email address that bounces and complaints are forwarded to when feedback forwarding is enabled. If the message cannot be delivered to the recipient, then an error message is returned from the recipient's ISP; this message is forwarded to the email address specified by the ReturnPath parameter. The ReturnPath parameter is never overwritten. This email address must be either individually verified with Amazon SES, or from a domain that has been verified with Amazon SES.

        returnPath - The email address that bounces and complaints are forwarded to when feedback forwarding is enabled. If the message cannot be delivered to the recipient, then an error message is returned from the recipient's ISP; this message is forwarded to the email address specified by the ReturnPath parameter. The ReturnPath parameter is never overwritten. This email address must be either individually verified with Amazon SES, or from a domain that has been verified with Amazon SES.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • sourceArn

        SendEmailRequest.Builder sourceArn​(String sourceArn)

        This parameter is used only for sending authorization. It is the ARN of the identity that is associated with the sending authorization policy that permits you to send for the email address specified in the Source parameter.

        For example, if the owner of (which has ARN arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/ attaches a policy to it that authorizes you to send from [email protected], then you would specify the SourceArn to be arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/, and the Source to be [email protected].

        For more information about sending authorization, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

        sourceArn - This parameter is used only for sending authorization. It is the ARN of the identity that is associated with the sending authorization policy that permits you to send for the email address specified in the Source parameter.

        For example, if the owner of (which has ARN arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/ attaches a policy to it that authorizes you to send from [email protected], then you would specify the SourceArn to be arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/, and the Source to be [email protected].

        For more information about sending authorization, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • returnPathArn

        SendEmailRequest.Builder returnPathArn​(String returnPathArn)

        This parameter is used only for sending authorization. It is the ARN of the identity that is associated with the sending authorization policy that permits you to use the email address specified in the ReturnPath parameter.

        For example, if the owner of (which has ARN arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/ attaches a policy to it that authorizes you to use [email protected], then you would specify the ReturnPathArn to be arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/, and the ReturnPath to be [email protected].

        For more information about sending authorization, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

        returnPathArn - This parameter is used only for sending authorization. It is the ARN of the identity that is associated with the sending authorization policy that permits you to use the email address specified in the ReturnPath parameter.

        For example, if the owner of (which has ARN arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/ attaches a policy to it that authorizes you to use [email protected], then you would specify the ReturnPathArn to be arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/, and the ReturnPath to be [email protected].

        For more information about sending authorization, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • tags

        SendEmailRequest.Builder tags​(Collection<MessageTag> tags)

        A list of tags, in the form of name/value pairs, to apply to an email that you send using SendEmail. Tags correspond to characteristics of the email that you define, so that you can publish email sending events.

        tags - A list of tags, in the form of name/value pairs, to apply to an email that you send using SendEmail. Tags correspond to characteristics of the email that you define, so that you can publish email sending events.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • tags

        SendEmailRequest.Builder tags​(MessageTag... tags)

        A list of tags, in the form of name/value pairs, to apply to an email that you send using SendEmail. Tags correspond to characteristics of the email that you define, so that you can publish email sending events.

        tags - A list of tags, in the form of name/value pairs, to apply to an email that you send using SendEmail. Tags correspond to characteristics of the email that you define, so that you can publish email sending events.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • tags

        SendEmailRequest.Builder tags​(Consumer<MessageTag.Builder>... tags)

        A list of tags, in the form of name/value pairs, to apply to an email that you send using SendEmail. Tags correspond to characteristics of the email that you define, so that you can publish email sending events.

        This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the MessageTag.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via MessageTag.builder().

        When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to #tags(List).

        tags - a consumer that will call methods on MessageTag.Builder
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
      • configurationSetName

        SendEmailRequest.Builder configurationSetName​(String configurationSetName)

        The name of the configuration set to use when you send an email using SendEmail.

        configurationSetName - The name of the configuration set to use when you send an email using SendEmail.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.