Class GetCustomVerificationEmailTemplateResponse

    • Method Detail

      • templateName

        public final String templateName()

        The name of the custom verification email template.

        The name of the custom verification email template.
      • fromEmailAddress

        public final String fromEmailAddress()

        The email address that the custom verification email is sent from.

        The email address that the custom verification email is sent from.
      • templateSubject

        public final String templateSubject()

        The subject line of the custom verification email.

        The subject line of the custom verification email.
      • templateContent

        public final String templateContent()

        The content of the custom verification email.

        The content of the custom verification email.
      • successRedirectionURL

        public final String successRedirectionURL()

        The URL that the recipient of the verification email is sent to if his or her address is successfully verified.

        The URL that the recipient of the verification email is sent to if his or her address is successfully verified.
      • failureRedirectionURL

        public final String failureRedirectionURL()

        The URL that the recipient of the verification email is sent to if his or her address is not successfully verified.

        The URL that the recipient of the verification email is sent to if his or her address is not successfully verified.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object