Interface SetEndpointAttributesRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • endpointArn

        SetEndpointAttributesRequest.Builder endpointArn​(String endpointArn)

        EndpointArn used for SetEndpointAttributes action.

        endpointArn - EndpointArn used for SetEndpointAttributes action.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • attributes

        SetEndpointAttributesRequest.Builder attributes​(Map<String,​String> attributes)

        A map of the endpoint attributes. Attributes in this map include the following:

        • CustomUserData – arbitrary user data to associate with the endpoint. Amazon SNS does not use this data. The data must be in UTF-8 format and less than 2KB.

        • Enabled – flag that enables/disables delivery to the endpoint. Amazon SNS will set this to false when a notification service indicates to Amazon SNS that the endpoint is invalid. Users can set it back to true, typically after updating Token.

        • Token – device token, also referred to as a registration id, for an app and mobile device. This is returned from the notification service when an app and mobile device are registered with the notification service.

        attributes - A map of the endpoint attributes. Attributes in this map include the following:

        • CustomUserData – arbitrary user data to associate with the endpoint. Amazon SNS does not use this data. The data must be in UTF-8 format and less than 2KB.

        • Enabled – flag that enables/disables delivery to the endpoint. Amazon SNS will set this to false when a notification service indicates to Amazon SNS that the endpoint is invalid. Users can set it back to true, typically after updating Token.

        • Token – device token, also referred to as a registration id, for an app and mobile device. This is returned from the notification service when an app and mobile device are registered with the notification service.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.