Interface DescribeOpsItemsRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • opsItemFilters

        DescribeOpsItemsRequest.Builder opsItemFilters​(Collection<OpsItemFilter> opsItemFilters)

        One or more filters to limit the response.

        • Key: CreatedTime

          Operations: GreaterThan, LessThan

        • Key: LastModifiedBy

          Operations: Contains, Equals

        • Key: LastModifiedTime

          Operations: GreaterThan, LessThan

        • Key: Priority

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: Source

          Operations: Contains, Equals

        • Key: Status

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: Title*

          Operations: Equals,Contains

        • Key: OperationalData**

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: OperationalDataKey

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: OperationalDataValue

          Operations: Equals, Contains

        • Key: OpsItemId

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: ResourceId

          Operations: Contains

        • Key: AutomationId

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: AccountId

          Operations: Equals

        *The Equals operator for Title matches the first 100 characters. If you specify more than 100 characters, they system returns an error that the filter value exceeds the length limit.

        **If you filter the response by using the OperationalData operator, specify a key-value pair by using the following JSON format: {"key":"key_name","value":"a_value"}

        opsItemFilters - One or more filters to limit the response.

        • Key: CreatedTime

          Operations: GreaterThan, LessThan

        • Key: LastModifiedBy

          Operations: Contains, Equals

        • Key: LastModifiedTime

          Operations: GreaterThan, LessThan

        • Key: Priority

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: Source

          Operations: Contains, Equals

        • Key: Status

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: Title*

          Operations: Equals,Contains

        • Key: OperationalData**

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: OperationalDataKey

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: OperationalDataValue

          Operations: Equals, Contains

        • Key: OpsItemId

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: ResourceId

          Operations: Contains

        • Key: AutomationId

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: AccountId

          Operations: Equals

        *The Equals operator for Title matches the first 100 characters. If you specify more than 100 characters, they system returns an error that the filter value exceeds the length limit.

        **If you filter the response by using the OperationalData operator, specify a key-value pair by using the following JSON format: {"key":"key_name","value":"a_value"}

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • opsItemFilters

        DescribeOpsItemsRequest.Builder opsItemFilters​(OpsItemFilter... opsItemFilters)

        One or more filters to limit the response.

        • Key: CreatedTime

          Operations: GreaterThan, LessThan

        • Key: LastModifiedBy

          Operations: Contains, Equals

        • Key: LastModifiedTime

          Operations: GreaterThan, LessThan

        • Key: Priority

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: Source

          Operations: Contains, Equals

        • Key: Status

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: Title*

          Operations: Equals,Contains

        • Key: OperationalData**

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: OperationalDataKey

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: OperationalDataValue

          Operations: Equals, Contains

        • Key: OpsItemId

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: ResourceId

          Operations: Contains

        • Key: AutomationId

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: AccountId

          Operations: Equals

        *The Equals operator for Title matches the first 100 characters. If you specify more than 100 characters, they system returns an error that the filter value exceeds the length limit.

        **If you filter the response by using the OperationalData operator, specify a key-value pair by using the following JSON format: {"key":"key_name","value":"a_value"}

        opsItemFilters - One or more filters to limit the response.

        • Key: CreatedTime

          Operations: GreaterThan, LessThan

        • Key: LastModifiedBy

          Operations: Contains, Equals

        • Key: LastModifiedTime

          Operations: GreaterThan, LessThan

        • Key: Priority

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: Source

          Operations: Contains, Equals

        • Key: Status

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: Title*

          Operations: Equals,Contains

        • Key: OperationalData**

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: OperationalDataKey

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: OperationalDataValue

          Operations: Equals, Contains

        • Key: OpsItemId

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: ResourceId

          Operations: Contains

        • Key: AutomationId

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: AccountId

          Operations: Equals

        *The Equals operator for Title matches the first 100 characters. If you specify more than 100 characters, they system returns an error that the filter value exceeds the length limit.

        **If you filter the response by using the OperationalData operator, specify a key-value pair by using the following JSON format: {"key":"key_name","value":"a_value"}

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • opsItemFilters

        DescribeOpsItemsRequest.Builder opsItemFilters​(Consumer<OpsItemFilter.Builder>... opsItemFilters)

        One or more filters to limit the response.

        • Key: CreatedTime

          Operations: GreaterThan, LessThan

        • Key: LastModifiedBy

          Operations: Contains, Equals

        • Key: LastModifiedTime

          Operations: GreaterThan, LessThan

        • Key: Priority

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: Source

          Operations: Contains, Equals

        • Key: Status

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: Title*

          Operations: Equals,Contains

        • Key: OperationalData**

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: OperationalDataKey

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: OperationalDataValue

          Operations: Equals, Contains

        • Key: OpsItemId

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: ResourceId

          Operations: Contains

        • Key: AutomationId

          Operations: Equals

        • Key: AccountId

          Operations: Equals

        *The Equals operator for Title matches the first 100 characters. If you specify more than 100 characters, they system returns an error that the filter value exceeds the length limit.

        **If you filter the response by using the OperationalData operator, specify a key-value pair by using the following JSON format: {"key":"key_name","value":"a_value"}

        This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the OpsItemFilter.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via OpsItemFilter.builder().

        When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to #opsItemFilters(List).

        opsItemFilters - a consumer that will call methods on OpsItemFilter.Builder
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
      • maxResults

        DescribeOpsItemsRequest.Builder maxResults​(Integer maxResults)

        The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of results.

        maxResults - The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of results.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • nextToken

        DescribeOpsItemsRequest.Builder nextToken​(String nextToken)

        A token to start the list. Use this token to get the next set of results.

        nextToken - A token to start the list. Use this token to get the next set of results.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.