Interface ResourceDataSyncAwsOrganizationsSource.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • organizationSourceType

        ResourceDataSyncAwsOrganizationsSource.Builder organizationSourceType​(String organizationSourceType)

        If an Amazon Web Services organization is present, this is either OrganizationalUnits or EntireOrganization. For OrganizationalUnits, the data is aggregated from a set of organization units. For EntireOrganization, the data is aggregated from the entire Amazon Web Services organization.

        organizationSourceType - If an Amazon Web Services organization is present, this is either OrganizationalUnits or EntireOrganization. For OrganizationalUnits, the data is aggregated from a set of organization units. For EntireOrganization, the data is aggregated from the entire Amazon Web Services organization.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.