Class PutParameterResponse

    • Method Detail

      • version

        public final Long version()

        The new version number of a parameter. If you edit a parameter value, Parameter Store automatically creates a new version and assigns this new version a unique ID. You can reference a parameter version ID in API operations or in Systems Manager documents (SSM documents). By default, if you don't specify a specific version, the system returns the latest parameter value when a parameter is called.

        The new version number of a parameter. If you edit a parameter value, Parameter Store automatically creates a new version and assigns this new version a unique ID. You can reference a parameter version ID in API operations or in Systems Manager documents (SSM documents). By default, if you don't specify a specific version, the system returns the latest parameter value when a parameter is called.
      • tierAsString

        public final String tierAsString()

        The tier assigned to the parameter.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, tier will return ParameterTier.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from tierAsString().

        The tier assigned to the parameter.
        See Also:
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object