Interface DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • instances

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instances​(Integer instances)

        The number of managed nodes in the patch group.

        instances - The number of managed nodes in the patch group.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesWithInstalledPatches

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instancesWithInstalledPatches​(Integer instancesWithInstalledPatches)

        The number of managed nodes with installed patches.

        instancesWithInstalledPatches - The number of managed nodes with installed patches.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesWithInstalledOtherPatches

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instancesWithInstalledOtherPatches​(Integer instancesWithInstalledOtherPatches)

        The number of managed nodes with patches installed that aren't defined in the patch baseline.

        instancesWithInstalledOtherPatches - The number of managed nodes with patches installed that aren't defined in the patch baseline.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesWithInstalledPendingRebootPatches

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instancesWithInstalledPendingRebootPatches​(Integer instancesWithInstalledPendingRebootPatches)

        The number of managed nodes with patches installed by Patch Manager that haven't been rebooted after the patch installation. The status of these managed nodes is NON_COMPLIANT.

        instancesWithInstalledPendingRebootPatches - The number of managed nodes with patches installed by Patch Manager that haven't been rebooted after the patch installation. The status of these managed nodes is NON_COMPLIANT.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesWithInstalledRejectedPatches

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instancesWithInstalledRejectedPatches​(Integer instancesWithInstalledRejectedPatches)

        The number of managed nodes with patches installed that are specified in a RejectedPatches list. Patches with a status of INSTALLED_REJECTED were typically installed before they were added to a RejectedPatches list.

        If ALLOW_AS_DEPENDENCY is the specified option for RejectedPatchesAction, the value of InstancesWithInstalledRejectedPatches will always be 0 (zero).

        instancesWithInstalledRejectedPatches - The number of managed nodes with patches installed that are specified in a RejectedPatches list. Patches with a status of INSTALLED_REJECTED were typically installed before they were added to a RejectedPatches list.

        If ALLOW_AS_DEPENDENCY is the specified option for RejectedPatchesAction, the value of InstancesWithInstalledRejectedPatches will always be 0 (zero).

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesWithMissingPatches

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instancesWithMissingPatches​(Integer instancesWithMissingPatches)

        The number of managed nodes with missing patches from the patch baseline.

        instancesWithMissingPatches - The number of managed nodes with missing patches from the patch baseline.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesWithFailedPatches

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instancesWithFailedPatches​(Integer instancesWithFailedPatches)

        The number of managed nodes with patches from the patch baseline that failed to install.

        instancesWithFailedPatches - The number of managed nodes with patches from the patch baseline that failed to install.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesWithNotApplicablePatches

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instancesWithNotApplicablePatches​(Integer instancesWithNotApplicablePatches)

        The number of managed nodes with patches that aren't applicable.

        instancesWithNotApplicablePatches - The number of managed nodes with patches that aren't applicable.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesWithUnreportedNotApplicablePatches

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instancesWithUnreportedNotApplicablePatches​(Integer instancesWithUnreportedNotApplicablePatches)

        The number of managed nodes with NotApplicable patches beyond the supported limit, which aren't reported by name to Inventory. Inventory is a capability of Amazon Web Services Systems Manager.

        instancesWithUnreportedNotApplicablePatches - The number of managed nodes with NotApplicable patches beyond the supported limit, which aren't reported by name to Inventory. Inventory is a capability of Amazon Web Services Systems Manager.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesWithCriticalNonCompliantPatches

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instancesWithCriticalNonCompliantPatches​(Integer instancesWithCriticalNonCompliantPatches)

        The number of managed nodes where patches that are specified as Critical for compliance reporting in the patch baseline aren't installed. These patches might be missing, have failed installation, were rejected, or were installed but awaiting a required managed node reboot. The status of these managed nodes is NON_COMPLIANT.

        instancesWithCriticalNonCompliantPatches - The number of managed nodes where patches that are specified as Critical for compliance reporting in the patch baseline aren't installed. These patches might be missing, have failed installation, were rejected, or were installed but awaiting a required managed node reboot. The status of these managed nodes is NON_COMPLIANT.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesWithSecurityNonCompliantPatches

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instancesWithSecurityNonCompliantPatches​(Integer instancesWithSecurityNonCompliantPatches)

        The number of managed nodes where patches that are specified as Security in a patch advisory aren't installed. These patches might be missing, have failed installation, were rejected, or were installed but awaiting a required managed node reboot. The status of these managed nodes is NON_COMPLIANT.

        instancesWithSecurityNonCompliantPatches - The number of managed nodes where patches that are specified as Security in a patch advisory aren't installed. These patches might be missing, have failed installation, were rejected, or were installed but awaiting a required managed node reboot. The status of these managed nodes is NON_COMPLIANT.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • instancesWithOtherNonCompliantPatches

        DescribePatchGroupStateResponse.Builder instancesWithOtherNonCompliantPatches​(Integer instancesWithOtherNonCompliantPatches)

        The number of managed nodes with patches installed that are specified as other than Critical or Security but aren't compliant with the patch baseline. The status of these managed nodes is NON_COMPLIANT.

        instancesWithOtherNonCompliantPatches - The number of managed nodes with patches installed that are specified as other than Critical or Security but aren't compliant with the patch baseline. The status of these managed nodes is NON_COMPLIANT.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.