Class AssociateOpsItemRelatedItemRequest

    • Method Detail

      • opsItemId

        public final String opsItemId()

        The ID of the OpsItem to which you want to associate a resource as a related item.

        The ID of the OpsItem to which you want to associate a resource as a related item.
      • associationType

        public final String associationType()

        The type of association that you want to create between an OpsItem and a resource. OpsCenter supports IsParentOf and RelatesTo association types.

        The type of association that you want to create between an OpsItem and a resource. OpsCenter supports IsParentOf and RelatesTo association types.
      • resourceType

        public final String resourceType()

        The type of resource that you want to associate with an OpsItem. OpsCenter supports the following types:

        AWS::SSMIncidents::IncidentRecord: an Incident Manager incident.

        AWS::SSM::Document: a Systems Manager (SSM) document.

        The type of resource that you want to associate with an OpsItem. OpsCenter supports the following types:

        AWS::SSMIncidents::IncidentRecord: an Incident Manager incident.

        AWS::SSM::Document: a Systems Manager (SSM) document.

      • resourceUri

        public final String resourceUri()

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services resource that you want to associate with the OpsItem.

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services resource that you want to associate with the OpsItem.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object