Class DocumentDescription

    • Method Detail

      • sha1

        public final String sha1()

        The SHA1 hash of the document, which you can use for verification.

        The SHA1 hash of the document, which you can use for verification.
      • hash

        public final String hash()

        The Sha256 or Sha1 hash created by the system when the document was created.

        Sha1 hashes have been deprecated.

        The Sha256 or Sha1 hash created by the system when the document was created.

        Sha1 hashes have been deprecated.

      • hashType

        public final DocumentHashType hashType()

        The hash type of the document. Valid values include Sha256 or Sha1.

        Sha1 hashes have been deprecated.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, hashType will return DocumentHashType.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from hashTypeAsString().

        The hash type of the document. Valid values include Sha256 or Sha1.

        Sha1 hashes have been deprecated.

        See Also:
      • hashTypeAsString

        public final String hashTypeAsString()

        The hash type of the document. Valid values include Sha256 or Sha1.

        Sha1 hashes have been deprecated.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, hashType will return DocumentHashType.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from hashTypeAsString().

        The hash type of the document. Valid values include Sha256 or Sha1.

        Sha1 hashes have been deprecated.

        See Also:
      • name

        public final String name()

        The name of the SSM document.

        The name of the SSM document.
      • displayName

        public final String displayName()

        The friendly name of the SSM document. This value can differ for each version of the document. If you want to update this value, see UpdateDocument.

        The friendly name of the SSM document. This value can differ for each version of the document. If you want to update this value, see UpdateDocument.
      • versionName

        public final String versionName()

        The version of the artifact associated with the document.

        The version of the artifact associated with the document.
      • owner

        public final String owner()

        The Amazon Web Services user that created the document.

        The Amazon Web Services user that created the document.
      • createdDate

        public final Instant createdDate()

        The date when the document was created.

        The date when the document was created.
      • statusInformation

        public final String statusInformation()

        A message returned by Amazon Web Services Systems Manager that explains the Status value. For example, a Failed status might be explained by the StatusInformation message, "The specified S3 bucket doesn't exist. Verify that the URL of the S3 bucket is correct."

        A message returned by Amazon Web Services Systems Manager that explains the Status value. For example, a Failed status might be explained by the StatusInformation message, "The specified S3 bucket doesn't exist. Verify that the URL of the S3 bucket is correct."
      • documentVersion

        public final String documentVersion()

        The document version.

        The document version.
      • description

        public final String description()

        A description of the document.

        A description of the document.
      • hasParameters

        public final boolean hasParameters()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the Parameters property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • parameters

        public final List<DocumentParameter> parameters()

        A description of the parameters for a document.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasParameters() method.

        A description of the parameters for a document.
      • platformTypes

        public final List<PlatformType> platformTypes()

        The list of operating system (OS) platforms compatible with this SSM document.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasPlatformTypes() method.

        The list of operating system (OS) platforms compatible with this SSM document.
      • hasPlatformTypes

        public final boolean hasPlatformTypes()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the PlatformTypes property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • platformTypesAsStrings

        public final List<String> platformTypesAsStrings()

        The list of operating system (OS) platforms compatible with this SSM document.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasPlatformTypes() method.

        The list of operating system (OS) platforms compatible with this SSM document.
      • schemaVersion

        public final String schemaVersion()

        The schema version.

        The schema version.
      • latestVersion

        public final String latestVersion()

        The latest version of the document.

        The latest version of the document.
      • defaultVersion

        public final String defaultVersion()

        The default version.

        The default version.
      • hasTags

        public final boolean hasTags()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the Tags property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • tags

        public final List<Tag> tags()

        The tags, or metadata, that have been applied to the document.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasTags() method.

        The tags, or metadata, that have been applied to the document.
      • hasAttachmentsInformation

        public final boolean hasAttachmentsInformation()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the AttachmentsInformation property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • attachmentsInformation

        public final List<AttachmentInformation> attachmentsInformation()

        Details about the document attachments, including names, locations, sizes, and so on.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasAttachmentsInformation() method.

        Details about the document attachments, including names, locations, sizes, and so on.
      • hasRequires

        public final boolean hasRequires()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the Requires property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • requires

        public final List<DocumentRequires> requires()

        A list of SSM documents required by a document. For example, an ApplicationConfiguration document requires an ApplicationConfigurationSchema document.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasRequires() method.

        A list of SSM documents required by a document. For example, an ApplicationConfiguration document requires an ApplicationConfigurationSchema document.
      • author

        public final String author()

        The user in your organization who created the document.

        The user in your organization who created the document.
      • hasReviewInformation

        public final boolean hasReviewInformation()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the ReviewInformation property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • reviewInformation

        public final List<ReviewInformation> reviewInformation()

        Details about the review of a document.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasReviewInformation() method.

        Details about the review of a document.
      • approvedVersion

        public final String approvedVersion()

        The version of the document currently approved for use in the organization.

        The version of the document currently approved for use in the organization.
      • pendingReviewVersion

        public final String pendingReviewVersion()

        The version of the document that is currently under review.

        The version of the document that is currently under review.
      • hasCategory

        public final boolean hasCategory()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the Category property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • category

        public final List<String> category()

        The classification of a document to help you identify and categorize its use.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasCategory() method.

        The classification of a document to help you identify and categorize its use.
      • hasCategoryEnum

        public final boolean hasCategoryEnum()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the CategoryEnum property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • categoryEnum

        public final List<String> categoryEnum()

        The value that identifies a document's category.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasCategoryEnum() method.

        The value that identifies a document's category.
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object
      • getValueForField

        public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField​(String fieldName,
                                                      Class<T> clazz)