Interface Target.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • key

        Target.Builder key​(String key)

        User-defined criteria for sending commands that target managed nodes that meet the criteria.

        key - User-defined criteria for sending commands that target managed nodes that meet the criteria.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • values

        Target.Builder values​(Collection<String> values)

        User-defined criteria that maps to Key. For example, if you specified tag:ServerRole, you could specify value:WebServer to run a command on instances that include EC2 tags of ServerRole,WebServer.

        Depending on the type of target, the maximum number of values for a key might be lower than the global maximum of 50.

        values - User-defined criteria that maps to Key. For example, if you specified tag:ServerRole, you could specify value:WebServer to run a command on instances that include EC2 tags of ServerRole,WebServer.

        Depending on the type of target, the maximum number of values for a key might be lower than the global maximum of 50.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • values

        Target.Builder values​(String... values)

        User-defined criteria that maps to Key. For example, if you specified tag:ServerRole, you could specify value:WebServer to run a command on instances that include EC2 tags of ServerRole,WebServer.

        Depending on the type of target, the maximum number of values for a key might be lower than the global maximum of 50.

        values - User-defined criteria that maps to Key. For example, if you specified tag:ServerRole, you could specify value:WebServer to run a command on instances that include EC2 tags of ServerRole,WebServer.

        Depending on the type of target, the maximum number of values for a key might be lower than the global maximum of 50.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.