Interface DeleteInventoryRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • typeName

        DeleteInventoryRequest.Builder typeName​(String typeName)

        The name of the custom inventory type for which you want to delete either all previously collected data or the inventory type itself.

        typeName - The name of the custom inventory type for which you want to delete either all previously collected data or the inventory type itself.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • schemaDeleteOption

        DeleteInventoryRequest.Builder schemaDeleteOption​(String schemaDeleteOption)

        Use the SchemaDeleteOption to delete a custom inventory type (schema). If you don't choose this option, the system only deletes existing inventory data associated with the custom inventory type. Choose one of the following options:

        DisableSchema: If you choose this option, the system ignores all inventory data for the specified version, and any earlier versions. To enable this schema again, you must call the PutInventory operation for a version greater than the disabled version.

        DeleteSchema: This option deletes the specified custom type from the Inventory service. You can recreate the schema later, if you want.

        schemaDeleteOption - Use the SchemaDeleteOption to delete a custom inventory type (schema). If you don't choose this option, the system only deletes existing inventory data associated with the custom inventory type. Choose one of the following options:

        DisableSchema: If you choose this option, the system ignores all inventory data for the specified version, and any earlier versions. To enable this schema again, you must call the PutInventory operation for a version greater than the disabled version.

        DeleteSchema: This option deletes the specified custom type from the Inventory service. You can recreate the schema later, if you want.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        InventorySchemaDeleteOption, InventorySchemaDeleteOption
      • schemaDeleteOption

        DeleteInventoryRequest.Builder schemaDeleteOption​(InventorySchemaDeleteOption schemaDeleteOption)

        Use the SchemaDeleteOption to delete a custom inventory type (schema). If you don't choose this option, the system only deletes existing inventory data associated with the custom inventory type. Choose one of the following options:

        DisableSchema: If you choose this option, the system ignores all inventory data for the specified version, and any earlier versions. To enable this schema again, you must call the PutInventory operation for a version greater than the disabled version.

        DeleteSchema: This option deletes the specified custom type from the Inventory service. You can recreate the schema later, if you want.

        schemaDeleteOption - Use the SchemaDeleteOption to delete a custom inventory type (schema). If you don't choose this option, the system only deletes existing inventory data associated with the custom inventory type. Choose one of the following options:

        DisableSchema: If you choose this option, the system ignores all inventory data for the specified version, and any earlier versions. To enable this schema again, you must call the PutInventory operation for a version greater than the disabled version.

        DeleteSchema: This option deletes the specified custom type from the Inventory service. You can recreate the schema later, if you want.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        InventorySchemaDeleteOption, InventorySchemaDeleteOption
      • dryRun

        DeleteInventoryRequest.Builder dryRun​(Boolean dryRun)

        Use this option to view a summary of the deletion request without deleting any data or the data type. This option is useful when you only want to understand what will be deleted. Once you validate that the data to be deleted is what you intend to delete, you can run the same command without specifying the DryRun option.

        dryRun - Use this option to view a summary of the deletion request without deleting any data or the data type. This option is useful when you only want to understand what will be deleted. Once you validate that the data to be deleted is what you intend to delete, you can run the same command without specifying the DryRun option.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • clientToken

        DeleteInventoryRequest.Builder clientToken​(String clientToken)

        User-provided idempotency token.

        clientToken - User-provided idempotency token.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.