Interface MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • documentVersion

        MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters.Builder documentVersion​(String documentVersion)

        The version of an Automation runbook to use during task execution.

        documentVersion - The version of an Automation runbook to use during task execution.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • parameters

        MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters.Builder parameters​(Map<String,​? extends Collection<String>> parameters)

        The parameters for the AUTOMATION task.

        For information about specifying and updating task parameters, see RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindow and UpdateMaintenanceWindowTask.

        LoggingInfo has been deprecated. To specify an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to contain logs, instead use the OutputS3BucketName and OutputS3KeyPrefix options in the TaskInvocationParameters structure. For information about how Amazon Web Services Systems Manager handles these options for the supported maintenance window task types, see MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters.

        TaskParameters has been deprecated. To specify parameters to pass to a task when it runs, instead use the Parameters option in the TaskInvocationParameters structure. For information about how Systems Manager handles these options for the supported maintenance window task types, see MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters.

        For AUTOMATION task types, Amazon Web Services Systems Manager ignores any values specified for these parameters.

        parameters - The parameters for the AUTOMATION task.

        For information about specifying and updating task parameters, see RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindow and UpdateMaintenanceWindowTask.

        LoggingInfo has been deprecated. To specify an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to contain logs, instead use the OutputS3BucketName and OutputS3KeyPrefix options in the TaskInvocationParameters structure. For information about how Amazon Web Services Systems Manager handles these options for the supported maintenance window task types, see MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters.

        TaskParameters has been deprecated. To specify parameters to pass to a task when it runs, instead use the Parameters option in the TaskInvocationParameters structure. For information about how Systems Manager handles these options for the supported maintenance window task types, see MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters.

        For AUTOMATION task types, Amazon Web Services Systems Manager ignores any values specified for these parameters.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.