Interface CodegenContext<S,​W extends SymbolWriter<W,​?>,​I extends SmithyIntegration<S,​W,​?>>

  • Type Parameters:
    S - The settings object used to configure the generator.
    W - The type of SymbolWriter used by the generator.
    I - The type of SmithyIntegrations used by the generator.

    public interface CodegenContext<S,​W extends SymbolWriter<W,​?>,​I extends SmithyIntegration<S,​W,​?>>
    A context object that can be used during code generation and is used by SmithyIntegration.
    • Method Detail

      • model model()
        Gets the model being code generated.
      • settings

        S settings()
        Gets code generation settings.
      • symbolProvider

        SymbolProvider symbolProvider()
        Gets the SymbolProvider used for code generation.
      • fileManifest fileManifest()
        Gets the FileManifest being written to for code generation.
      • writerDelegator

        WriterDelegator<W> writerDelegator()
        Get the WriterDelegator used for generating code.

        Generates might need other delegators for specific purposes, and it's fine to add more methods for those specific purposes. If an implementation uses a specific subclass of a WriterDelegator, implementations can override this method to return a more specific WriterDelegator type.

        Returns the writer delegator used by the generator.
      • integrations

        java.util.List<I> integrations()
        Gets the SmithyIntegrations used for code generation.