Class GenerateServiceDirective<C extends CodegenContext<S,​?,​?>,​S>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.Map<,​> inputEventStreamOperations()
      Get a map of operations that use an event stream in their input.
      java.util.Map<,​> outputEventStreamOperations()
      Get a map of operations that use an event stream in their output.
      java.lang.String serviceTitle()
      Gets the TitleTrait value of the service if present, otherwise returns the Symbol.getName() value of the service.
      java.lang.String serviceTitle​(java.lang.String fallback)
      Attempts to get the title of service from the model, returning the fallback value if the service does not have a TitleTrait.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • serviceTitle

        public java.lang.String serviceTitle()
        Gets the TitleTrait value of the service if present, otherwise returns the Symbol.getName() value of the service.
        title of service
      • serviceTitle

        public java.lang.String serviceTitle​(java.lang.String fallback)
        Attempts to get the title of service from the model, returning the fallback value if the service does not have a TitleTrait.
        fallback - string to return if service does not have a title
        title of service
      • inputEventStreamOperations

        public java.util.Map<,​> inputEventStreamOperations()
        Get a map of operations that use an event stream in their input.
        Returns a map of operation shape IDs to their event stream information.
        See Also:
      • outputEventStreamOperations

        public java.util.Map<,​> outputEventStreamOperations()
        Get a map of operations that use an event stream in their output.
        Returns a map of operation shape IDs to their event stream information.
        See Also: