Class SlidingWindow

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    TimeBasedWindowDefinition, WindowDefinition

    public class SlidingWindow
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements TimeBasedWindowDefinition
    A time-based window type. The TimeMeasure size defines the time interval of the window, the slide after what time a new window is triggered. Sliding windows are overlapping windows.
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static SlidingWindow of​(TimeCharacteristic timeCharacteristic,
                                       TimeMeasure size,
                                       TimeMeasure slide)
        Calls the internal sliding window constructor
        timeCharacteristic - under which is window is executed
        size - the window size
        slide - the slide size
        a new sliding window
      • getSize

        public TimeMeasure getSize()
        Access the window size of the sliding window
        The (window) size
      • getSlide

        public TimeMeasure getSlide()
        Access the slide of the sliding window
        The slide size