
See theObdCause companion object
enum ObdCause(val id: Int, val reason: String) extends Cause, Identified

This enum contains definitions of non-vendor specific error response codes. Nothing of this is based on any standards document, but purely on various websites. Generally the lower the ID is, the more likely it is that the information is correct.


See also
trait Enum
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Identified
trait Cause
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Enum entries

case case BusyRepeatRequest extends ObdCause
case case ConditionsNotCorrect extends ObdCause
case case DownloadNotAccepted extends ObdCause
case case ExceedAttempts extends ObdCause
case case GeneralReject extends ObdCause
case case ImproperDownloadType extends ObdCause
case case ImproperUploadType extends ObdCause
case case InvalidKey extends ObdCause
case case RequestOutOfRange extends ObdCause
case case RequestSequenceError extends ObdCause
case case SecurityAccessDenied extends ObdCause
case case ServiceNotSupported extends ObdCause
case case TransferAborted extends ObdCause
case case TransferSuspended extends ObdCause
case case UploadNotAccepted extends ObdCause