a collection of classic monomorphic optics based on http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens and
http://julien-truffaut.github.io/Monocle/ using names readable for user unfamiliar with then capable for using as
implicit evidences in effect transmogrification
a collection of classic monomorphic optics based on http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens and
http://julien-truffaut.github.io/Monocle/ using names readable for user unfamiliar with then capable for using as
implicit evidences in effect transmogrification
see hierarchy here: https://wiki.tcsbank.ru/display/API/optics
a collection of classic monomorphic optics based on http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens and http://julien-truffaut.github.io/Monocle/ using names readable for user unfamiliar with then capable for using as implicit evidences in effect transmogrification
see hierarchy here: https://wiki.tcsbank.ru/display/API/optics