

package tofu

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BoundedParallel[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  2. class CatsDelay extends CatsDelayCE2
  3. class CatsDelayCE2 extends AnyRef
  4. trait Delay[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  5. trait ErrorBase extends AnyRef

    Base trait for instance search

  6. trait Errors[F[_], E] extends Raise[F, E] with Handle[F, E] with ErrorsTo[F, F, E]

    Allows to throw and handle errors of type ${E} in a ${F}.

    Allows to throw and handle errors of type ${E} in a ${F}.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  7. class ErrorsBaseInstances extends ErrorsBaseInstances1
  8. class ErrorsBaseInstances1 extends ErrorsBaseInstances2
  9. class ErrorsBaseInstances2 extends ErrorsBaseInstances3
  10. class ErrorsBaseInstances3 extends AnyRef
  11. trait ErrorsTo[F[_], G[_], E] extends Raise[F, E] with HandleTo[F, G, E]

    Allows to throw and handle errors of type ${E} in a ${F} transiting to a ${G} when recovering.

    Allows to throw and handle errors of type ${E} in a ${F} transiting to a ${G} when recovering. A G can either be the same as F or some "subconstructor" having less errors semantically.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  12. trait Fibers[F[_], Exit[_], Fib[_]] extends Race[F]
  13. trait Finally[F[_], Exit[_]] extends Guarantee[F]

    Bracket-like typeclass allowing to match exit of the process

    Bracket-like typeclass allowing to match exit of the process


    effect process


    structure, describing process exit like ExitCase or Exit

  14. trait Fire[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  15. trait Guarantee[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Bracket-like typeclass allowing to understand if operation was succeed

    Bracket-like typeclass allowing to understand if operation was succeed


    effect process

  16. trait Handle[F[_], E] extends HandleTo[F, F, E] with Restore[F]

    Allows to recover after an error of type ${E} in a ${F}.

    Allows to recover after an error of type ${E} in a ${F}.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  17. trait HandleTo[F[_], G[_], E] extends RestoreTo[F, G]

    Allows to recover after an error of type ${E} in a ${F} transiting to a ${G} as a result.

    Allows to recover after an error of type ${E} in a ${F} transiting to a ${G} as a result. A G can either be the same as a F or some "subconstructor" having less errors semantically.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  18. trait Init[F[_], A] extends AnyRef

    Initialize value of type A in type F

    Initialize value of type A in type F


    initialization effect type


    result type

  19. class PerformInterop extends PerformInterop1
  20. class PerformInterop1 extends PerformInterop2
  21. class PerformInterop2 extends AnyRef
  22. trait PerformVia[F[_], Cont[_], Cancel] extends WithContext[F, Performer[F, Cont, Cancel]]
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  23. trait Performer[F[_], -Cont[_], Cancel] extends AnyRef
  24. trait Pull[F[_], A] extends AnyRef

    simply F[A] in a typeclass form

  25. trait PullInstances extends AnyRef
  26. trait Push[F[_], A] extends AnyRef

    simply function A => F[Unit] in a typeclass form

  27. trait PushInstances extends PushInstances1
  28. trait PushInstances1 extends AnyRef
  29. trait Race[F[_]] extends Fire[F]
  30. trait Raise[F[_], E] extends ErrorBase with ContravariantRaise[F, E]

    Allows to raise E inside type F.

    Allows to raise E inside type F.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  31. trait Restore[F[_]] extends RestoreTo[F, F]

    Allows to recover after some error in a ${F}.

    Allows to recover after some error in a ${F}.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  32. trait RestoreTo[F[_], G[_]] extends Lift[G, F] with ErrorBase

    Allows to recover after some error in a ${F} transiting to a ${G} as a result.

    Allows to recover after some error in a ${F} transiting to a ${G} as a result. A G can either be the same as a F or some "subconstructor" having less errors semantically.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  33. trait Scoped[Tag, F[_]] extends AnyRef

    can be used for scoped transformations

    can be used for scoped transformations


    arbitrary type tag f type Execute[F[_]] = ScopedExecute[Scoped.Main, F] type Blocks[F[_]] = Scoped[Scoped.Blocking, F] type BlockExec[F[_]] = ScopedExecute[Scoped.Blocking, F] type Calculates[F[_]] = Scoped[Scoped.Calculation, F] type CalcExec[F[_]] = ScopedExecute[Scoped.Calculation, F]or discriminating scopes


    process type

  34. trait ScopedExecute[Tag, F[_]] extends Scoped[Tag, F]
  35. trait ScopedInstances extends ScopedInstances0
  36. abstract final class Void extends AnyRef
  37. trait WithContext[F[_], C] extends Context[F]

    Synonym for Context with explicit C as Ctx for better type inference

    Synonym for Context with explicit C as Ctx for better type inference

    There is also a nice type alias:

     import tofu.In
    val fHasMyCtx: MyCtx In F = ???
  38. trait WithLocal[F[_], C] extends Local[F] with WithContext[F, C]

    Synonym for Local with explicit C as Ctx for better type inference

  39. trait WithProvide[F[_], G[_], C] extends Provide[F] with Lift[G, F]

    Synonym for Provide with explicit C as Ctx and G as Lower for better type inference

    Synonym for Provide with explicit C as Ctx and G as Lower for better type inference

    Can be seen as transformation F[*] = C => G[*]

  40. trait WithRun[F[_], G[_], C] extends WithProvide[F, G, C] with WithLocal[F, C] with RunContext[F] with Unlift[G, F]

    Synonym for both RunContext and Unlift with explicit C as Ctx and G as Lower for better type inference

    Synonym for both RunContext and Unlift with explicit C as Ctx and G as Lower for better type inference

    Can be seen as transformation F[*] = C => G[*]

  41. trait Context[F[_]] extends ContextBase

    Declares that F can provide value of type Ctx

    Declares that F can provide value of type Ctx

    In other words this trait tells you that F is some kind of Reader or function of type Ctx => F[A]. The best way to use it is through WithContext or In

    This can be seen as global value for your Application or for a part of it.


    (Since version 0.10.3) Migrate to With* typeclasses

    1. One common use of this is to make contextual logging:

        import tofu.syntax.console._
      def contexualConsolling[F[_]: Console: FlatMap](message: String)(implicit hasMyCtx: F HasContext MyCtx): F[Unit] =
        hasMyCtx.askF(ctx => puts"$message (Also context: $ctx)")

      so when you have MyCtx(3) the call of contextualConsolling("Hi!") prints Hi! (Also MyCtx(3))

  42. trait Local[F[_]] extends Context[F]

    Allows to run some computation with notion of altered context consider using WithLocal for better type inference

    Allows to run some computation with notion of altered context consider using WithLocal for better type inference


    (Since version 0.10.3) Migrate to With* typeclasses

  43. trait Provide[F[_]] extends ContextBase

    Allows to evaluate contextual computation with some context

    Allows to evaluate contextual computation with some context

    The main use case for it is to obtain some context Lower[Ctx], and then to run another contextual computation F[A] that can use F[Ctx] inside.


    context-aware effect e.g.ReaderT[Lower, Ctx, *]


    (Since version 0.10.3) Migrate to With* typeclasses

  44. trait RunContext[F[_]] extends Local[F] with Provide[F]

    Combination of Local and Provide

    Combination of Local and Provide


    context-aware effect e.g.ReaderT[Lower, Ctx, *]


    (Since version 0.10.3) Migrate to With* typeclasses

Value Members

  1. object BlockExec extends EffectComp[tofu.kernel.types.BlockExec]
  2. object Blocks extends EffectComp[tofu.kernel.types.Blocks]
  3. object BoundedParallel extends BoundedParallelInstances0 with EffectComp[BoundedParallel]
  4. object CalcExec extends EffectComp[tofu.kernel.types.CalcExec]
  5. object Calculates extends EffectComp[tofu.kernel.types.Calculates]
  6. object Delay extends CatsDelay with EffectComp[Delay]
  7. object ErrorBase extends ErrorsBaseInstances
  8. object Errors extends DataEffectComp[Errors]
  9. object Execute extends EffectComp[tofu.kernel.types.Execute]
  10. object Fibers extends Effect3Comp[Fibers]
  11. object Finally extends Effect2Comp[Finally]
  12. object Fire extends EffectComp[Fire] with FireInstances0
  13. object Guarantee extends EffectComp[Guarantee] with GuaranteeInstances0
  14. object Handle extends DataEffectComp[Handle]
  15. object PerformOf extends Effect2Comp[tofu.kernel.types.PerformOf]
  16. object PerformThrow extends EffectComp[tofu.kernel.types.PerformThrow]
  17. object PerformVia extends PerformInterop
  18. object Performer
  19. object Pull extends PullInstances with DataEffectComp[Pull]
  20. object Push extends PushInstances with DataEffectComp[Push]
  21. object Race extends EffectComp[Race]
  22. object Raise extends DataEffectComp[Raise]
  23. object Scoped extends ScopedInstances
  24. object Void
  25. object WithContext

    Companion object for WithContext

  26. object WithLocal

    Companion object for WithLocal

  27. object WithProvide

    Companion object for WithProvide

  28. object WithRun

    Companion object for WithRun

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object Context

    Companion object for Context

    Companion object for Context


    (Since version 0.10.3) Migrate to With* typeclasses

  2. object HasContext

    (Since version 0.10.3) Use WithContext instead

  3. object HasContextRun

    (Since version 0.10.3) Use WithRun instead

  4. object HasLocal

    (Since version 0.10.3) Use WithLocal instead

  5. object HasProvide

    (Since version 0.10.3) Use WithProvide instead

  6. object Local

    (Since version 0.10.3) Migrate to With* typeclasses

  7. object Provide

    Companion object for Provide

    Companion object for Provide


    (Since version 0.10.3) Migrate to With* typeclasses

  8. object RunContext

    Companion object for RunContext

    Companion object for RunContext


    (Since version 0.10.3) Migrate to With* typeclasses
