Class Solver

  • public class Solver
    extends Z3Object
    • Method Detail

      • getHelp

        public String getHelp()
        A string that describes all available solver parameters.
      • setParameters

        public void setParameters​(Params value)
        Sets the solver parameters.
      • getParameterDescriptions

        public ParamDescrs getParameterDescriptions()
        Retrieves parameter descriptions for solver.
      • getNumScopes

        public int getNumScopes()
        The current number of backtracking points (scopes).
        See Also:
        pop(), push()
      • push

        public void push()
        Creates a backtracking point.
        See Also:
      • pop

        public void pop()
        Backtracks one backtracking point. Remarks: .
      • pop

        public void pop​(int n)
        Backtracks n backtracking points. Remarks: Note that an exception is thrown if n is not smaller than NumScopes
        See Also:
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Resets the Solver. Remarks: This removes all assertions from the solver.
      • interrupt

        public void interrupt()
        Interrupt the execution of the solver object. Remarks: This ensures that the interrupt applies only to the given solver object and it applies only if it is running.
      • add

        public void add​(Expr<BoolSort>... constraints)
        Assert a multiple constraints into the solver.
      • assertAndTrack

        public void assertAndTrack​(Expr<BoolSort>[] constraints,
                                   Expr<BoolSort>[] ps)
        Assert multiple constraints into the solver, and track them (in the unsat) core using the Boolean constants in ps. Remarks: This API is an alternative to check() with assumptions for extracting unsat cores. Both APIs can be used in the same solver. The unsat core will contain a combination of the Boolean variables provided using #assertAndTrack and the Boolean literals provided using check() with assumptions.
      • fromFile

        public void fromFile​(String file)
      • fromString

        public void fromString​(String str)
      • getNumAssertions

        public int getNumAssertions()
        The number of assertions in the solver.
      • getAssertions

        public BoolExpr[] getAssertions()
        The set of asserted formulas.
      • getConsequences

        public Status getConsequences​(Expr<BoolSort>[] assumptions,
                                      Expr<?>[] variables,
                                      List<Expr<BoolSort>> consequences)
        Retrieve fixed assignments to the set of variables in the form of consequences. Each consequence is an implication of the form relevant-assumptions Implies variable = value where the relevant assumptions is a subset of the assumptions that are passed in and the equality on the right side of the implication indicates how a variable is fixed.
      • getModel

        public Model getModel()
        The model of the last Check. Remarks: The result is null if Check was not invoked before, if its results was not SATISFIABLE, or if model production is not enabled.
      • getProof

        public Expr<?> getProof()
        The proof of the last Check. Remarks: The result is null if Check was not invoked before, if its results was not UNSATISFIABLE, or if proof production is disabled.
      • getUnsatCore

        public BoolExpr[] getUnsatCore()
        The unsat core of the last Check. Remarks: The unsat core is a subset of Assertions The result is empty if Check was not invoked before, if its results was not UNSATISFIABLE, or if core production is disabled.
      • getReasonUnknown

        public String getReasonUnknown()
        A brief justification of why the last call to Check returned UNKNOWN.
      • translate

        public Solver translate​(Context ctx)
        Create a clone of the current solver with respect toctx.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        A string representation of the solver.
        toString in class Object