Interface Executable

All Known Subinterfaces:
ConditionalController, Controller, ControllerAwarePR, CorpusController, Gazetteer, LanguageAnalyser, OntoGazetteer, ProcessingResource
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractController, AbstractCoreferencer, AbstractGazetteer, AbstractLanguageAnalyser, AbstractOntoGazetteer, AbstractProcessingResource, ANNIETransducer, AnnotationDeletePR, AnnotationSetTransfer, ConditionalSerialAnalyserController, ConditionalSerialController, Coreferencer, DefaultGazetteer, DefaultTokeniser, DumpingPR, DynamicRegistrationTest.TestResource, FlexibleGazetteer, GazetteerListsCollector, HashGazetteer, Morph, NominalCoref, OntoGazetteerImpl, OntologyAwareTransducer, OrthoMatcher, POSTagger, PronominalCoref, RealtimeCorpusController, RegexSentenceSplitter, SampleOrthoMatcher, SearchPR, SentenceSplitter, SerialAnalyserController, SerialController, SharedDefaultGazetteer, SimpleTokeniser, TestAnnotatedProcessingResource, TestSubclassProcessingResource, TestSuperclassProcessingResource, TestUnannotatedProcessingResource, Transducer, VPChunker

public interface Executable

Describes entities that can be executed such as ProcessingResources or Controllers.

Method Summary
 void execute()
          Starts the execution of this executable
 void interrupt()
          Notifies this executable that it should stop its execution as soon as possible.
 boolean isInterrupted()
          Returns true if this executable has been interrupted via the interrupt() method since the last time its execute() method was called

Method Detail


void execute()
             throws ExecutionException
Starts the execution of this executable



void interrupt()
Notifies this executable that it should stop its execution as soon as possible.


boolean isInterrupted()
Returns true if this executable has been interrupted via the interrupt() method since the last time its execute() method was called