Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node
gate This package contains the public interface to the GATE Java API. 

Uses of Node in gate

Methods in gate that return Node
 Node AnnotationSet.firstNode()
          Get the node with the smallest offset
 Node SimpleAnnotation.getEndNode()
          The end node.
 Node AnnotationGraph.getNode(Long id)
          find a node by ID
 Node SimpleAnnotation.getStartNode()
          The start node.
 Node AnnotationSet.lastNode()
          Get the node with the largest offset
 Node AnnotationSet.nextNode(Node node)
          Get the first node that is relevant for this annotation set and which has the offset larger than the one of the node provided.
 Node AnnotationGraph.putNodeAt(Long id, long offset)
          Creates a new node with the offset offset

Methods in gate with parameters of type Node
 Integer SimpleAnnotationSet.add(Node start, Node end, String type, FeatureMap features)
          Create and add an annotation with pre-existing nodes, and return its id.
 Annotation AnnotationGraph.newAnnotation(Long id, Node start, Node end, String type)
 Node AnnotationSet.nextNode(Node node)
          Get the first node that is relevant for this annotation set and which has the offset larger than the one of the node provided.

Uses of Node in gate.annotation

Classes in gate.annotation that implement Node
 class NodeImpl
          Provides an implementation for the interface gate.Node.

Fields in gate.annotation declared as Node
protected  Node AnnotationImpl.end
          The end node
protected  Node AnnotationImpl.start
          The start node

Methods in gate.annotation that return Node
 Node AnnotationSetImpl.firstNode()
          Get the node with the smallest offset
 Node AnnotationImpl.getEndNode()
          The end node.
 Node AnnotationImpl.getStartNode()
          The start node.
 Node AnnotationSetImpl.lastNode()
          Get the node with the largest offset
 Node AnnotationSetImpl.nextNode(Node node)
          Get the first node that is relevant for this annotation set and which has the offset larger than the one of the node provided.

Methods in gate.annotation with parameters of type Node
 Integer AnnotationSetImpl.add(Node start, Node end, String type, FeatureMap features)
          Create and add an annotation with pre-existing nodes, and return its id.
 Integer ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl.add(Node start, Node end, String type, FeatureMap features)
          The following methods throw an exception as they try to modify the state of the object
protected  Annotation TestAnnotation.createAnnotation(Integer id, Node start, Node end, String type, FeatureMap features)
 Annotation AnnotationFactory.createAnnotationInSet(AnnotationSet set, Integer id, Node start, Node end, String type, FeatureMap features)
          Adds a new AnnotationImpl to the given set.
 Annotation DefaultAnnotationFactory.createAnnotationInSet(AnnotationSet set, Integer id, Node start, Node end, String type, FeatureMap features)
 Node AnnotationSetImpl.nextNode(Node node)
          Get the first node that is relevant for this annotation set and which has the offset larger than the one of the node provided.

Constructors in gate.annotation with parameters of type Node
AnnotationImpl(Integer id, Node start, Node end, String type, FeatureMap features)

Uses of Node in gate.fsm

Methods in gate.fsm that return Node
 Node FSMInstance.getAGPosition()
          Returns the node up to which this FSM instance advanced in the Annotation graph during the matching process.
 Node FSMInstance.getStartAGPosition()
          Returns the node in the AnnotationSet from which this FSM instance started the matching process.

Methods in gate.fsm with parameters of type Node
static FSMInstance FSMInstance.getNewInstance(FSM supportGraph, State FSMPosition, Node startNode, Node AGPosition, HashMap<String,AnnotationSet> bindings, Document doc)
          Static method that provides new FSM instances.
 void FSMInstance.setAGPosition(Node node)
          Sets the current position in the AnnotationSet.

Constructors in gate.fsm with parameters of type Node
FSMInstance(FSM supportGraph, State FSMPosition, Node startNode, Node AGPosition, HashMap<String,AnnotationSet> bindings, Document document)
          Creates a new FSMInstance object.