Uses of Class

Packages that use Document
gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index Code to maintain and access indices. Search over indices. 

Uses of Document in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index

Methods in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index that return Document
 Document FilterIndexReader.document(int n)
abstract  Document IndexReader.document(int n)
          Returns the stored fields of the nth Document in this index.
 Document MultiReader.document(int n)

Methods in gate.creole.annic.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type Document
 void IndexWriter.addDocument(Document doc)
          Adds a document to this index.
 void IndexWriter.addDocument(Document doc, Analyzer analyzer)
          Adds a document to this index, using the provided analyzer instead of the value of IndexWriter.getAnalyzer().

Uses of Document in

Methods in that return Document
 Document Hits.doc(int n)
          Returns the stored fields of the nth document in this set.
 Document IndexSearcher.doc(int i)
 Document Searchable.doc(int i)
          Expert: Returns the stored fields of document i.

Uses of Document in gate.creole.annic.lucene

Methods in gate.creole.annic.lucene that return types with arguments of type Document
 List<Document> LuceneDocument.createDocuments(String corpusPersistenceID, Document gateDoc, String documentID, List<String> annotSetsToInclude, List<String> annotSetsToExclude, List<String> featuresToInclude, List<String> featuresToExclude, String indexLocation, String baseTokenAnnotationType, Boolean createTokensAutomatically, String indexUnitAnnotationType)
          Given an instance of Gate Document, it converts it into the format that lucene can understand and can store in its indexes.