Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexSearcher

Uses of IndexSearcher in gate.creole.annic.lucene

Subclasses of IndexSearcher in gate.creole.annic.lucene
 class LuceneIndexSearcher
          This class provides an implementation that searches within the lucene index to retrieve the results of a query submitted by user.

Methods in gate.creole.annic.lucene with parameters of type IndexSearcher
static int StatsCalculator.freq(IndexSearcher searcher, String corpusToSearchIn, String annotationSetToSearchIn, String annotationType)
static int StatsCalculator.freq(IndexSearcher searcher, String corpusToSearchIn, String annotationSetToSearchIn, String annotationType, String featureName)
static int StatsCalculator.freq(IndexSearcher searcher, String corpusToSearchIn, String annotationSetToSearchIn, String annotationType, String featureName, String value)
          Allows retriving frequencies for the given parameters.