Package gate.creole.gazetteer

Interface Summary
Gazetteer The Gazetteer interface defines the mandatory methods of a gazetteer PR.
GazetteerListener Listener for GazetteerEvents
OntoGazetteer OntoGazetteer
A gazetter that exploits a linear gazetter to generate annotations according to a mapping definition between lists and ontology classes

Class Summary
AbstractGazetteer AbstractGazetteer This class implements the common-for-all methods of the Gazetteer interface
AbstractOntoGazetteer AbstratOntoGazetteer This class implements the methods common for all ontology-aware gazetteers.
DefaultGazetteer This component is responsible for doing lists lookup.
DefaultGazetteer.CharMap class implementing the map using binary search by char as key to retrieve the corresponding object.
FlexibleGazetteer Title: Flexible Gazetteer The Flexible Gazetteer provides users with the flexibility to choose their own customised input and an external Gazetteer.
FSMState Implements a state of the deterministic finite state machine of the gazetter.
GazetteerEvent Gazetteer Event to be used whenever an event needs to be fired and spread among Gazetteer Listeners
GazetteerList Gazetteer List provides the means for uploading, managing and storing the data in the gazetteer list files.
GazetteerNode A node in a gazetteer list allowing an arbitary amount of features to be added as metadata to an entry, e.g.: With the separator set to '\t', if a gazetteer entry looked like this: Vodaphone type=mobile phone company Then the GazetteerNode would consist of an entry "Vodaphone", with a featureMap containing the key "type", mapped to "mobile phone company".
LinearDefinition Represents a Linear Definition [lists.def] file
The normal usage of the class will be * construct it * setURL * load * change * store
LinearNode Linear node specifies an entry of the type : list:major:minor:language:annotationType
Lookup Used to describe a type of lookup annotations.
MappingDefinition Represents a mapping definition which maps gazetteer lists to ontology classes
MappingNode Represents a single node from the mapping definition
NodePosition Title: Description: This class is used to store the information about the changes in the text and the addition or the subtraction of the spaces.
OntoGazetteerImpl OntoGazetteerImpl
An ontology-aware gazetteer, producing additional annotations with features [class] and [ontology].
SharedDefaultGazetteer Provides a way to efficiently multi-thread a DefaultGazetteer.

Exception Summary
GazetteerException Used to signal Gazetteer specific exceptions
InvalidFormatException exception thrown when an invalid format of a file is detected