Package gate.creole.metadata

This package contains Java 5 annotation types that can be used to annotate the classes that implement CREOLE resources as an alternative to writing a creole.xml file by hand.


Interface Summary
CreoleParameter.NoElementType Dummy type used to signify that no value has been supplied for CreoleParameter.collectionElementType().

Enum Summary
GuiType Enumeration defining the allowable GUI types for CreoleResource.guiType().

Annotation Types Summary
AutoInstance Annotation used to define an instance of a resource that is created automatically when the plugin is loaded.
AutoInstanceParam Holder for a single name/value pair for a parameter to an auto-instance.
CreoleParameter Annotation used to define a parameter to a CREOLE resource.
CreoleResource Annotates a CREOLE resource type.
HiddenCreoleParameter Annotation used to mark parameters that should not be inherited from superclasses.
Optional Marker annotation used in conjunction with CreoleParameter to mark parameters that are optional.
RunTime Marker annotation used in conjunction with CreoleParameter to mark parameters that are runtime parameters as opposed to init-time ones.
Sharable Marker interface used to mark the setter methods of JavaBean properties that are sharable.

Package gate.creole.metadata Description

This package contains Java 5 annotation types that can be used to annotate the classes that implement CREOLE resources as an alternative to writing a creole.xml file by hand. See the user guide for details.