Class PackageGappTask

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by gate.util.ant.packager.PackageGappTask
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PackageGappTask

Ant task to copy a gapp file, rewriting any relative paths it contains to point within the same directory as the target file location and copy the referenced files into the right locations. The resulting structure is self-contained and can be packaged up (e.g. in a zip file) to send to a third party.

Ian Roberts

Nested Class Summary
 class PackageGappTask.MappingHint
          Class to represent a nested hint element.
static class PackageGappTask.UnresolvedAction
          Enumeration of the actions to take when there are unresolved resources.
Field Summary
static Comparator<URL> PATH_COMPARATOR
          Comparator to compare URLs by lexicographic ordering of their getPath() values.
Fields inherited from class
target, taskName, taskType, wrapper
Fields inherited from class
description, location, project
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addExtraResourcesPath( path)
          Add a path containing extra resources that should be treated as if they had been referenced by relpaths within the gapp file.
 PackageGappTask.MappingHint createHint()
          Create and add the representation for a nested <hint from="X" to="Y" /> element.
 void execute()
 File getDestFile()
          Get the destination file to which the modified gapp will be written.
 boolean getExpandIvy()
 File getGateHome()
          Get the location of the GATE home directory, used to resolve $gatehome$ relative paths in the GAPP file.
 PackageGappTask.UnresolvedAction getOnUnresolved()
          Get the action performed when there are unresolved resources.
 File getSrc()
          Get the original gapp file that is to be modified.
 boolean isCopyPlugins()
          Will the task copy the complete contents of referenced plugins into the target location?
 boolean isCopyResourceDirs()
          Will the task copy the complete contents of directories containing referenced resources into the target location or just the referenced resources themselves?
 void setCopyPlugins(boolean copyPlugins)
          Will the task copy the complete contents of referenced plugins into the target location?
 void setCopyResourceDirs(boolean copyResourceDirs)
          Will the task copy the complete contents of directories containing referenced resources into the target location?
 void setDestFile(File destFile)
          Set the destination file to which the modified gapp will be written.
 void setExpandIvy(boolean expandIvy)
 void setGateHome(File gateHome)
          Set the location of the GATE home directory, used to resolve $gatehome$ relative paths in the GAPP file.
 void setOnUnresolved(PackageGappTask.UnresolvedAction onUnresolved)
          What should we do if there are unresolved relpaths within the gapp file?
 void setSrc(File src)
          Set the location of the original gapp file which is to be modified.
Methods inherited from class
bindToOwner, getOwningTarget, getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, getTaskName, getTaskType, getWrapper, handleErrorFlush, handleErrorOutput, handleFlush, handleInput, handleOutput, init, isInvalid, log, log, log, log, maybeConfigure, perform, reconfigure, setOwningTarget, setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, setTaskName, setTaskType
Methods inherited from class
clone, getDescription, getLocation, getProject, setDescription, setLocation, setProject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Comparator<URL> PATH_COMPARATOR
Comparator to compare URLs by lexicographic ordering of their getPath() values. null compares less-than anything not null.

Constructor Detail


public PackageGappTask()
Method Detail


public File getDestFile()
Get the destination file to which the modified gapp will be written.


public void setDestFile(File destFile)
Set the destination file to which the modified gapp will be written.


public File getSrc()
Get the original gapp file that is to be modified.


public void setSrc(File src)
Set the location of the original gapp file which is to be modified.


public File getGateHome()
Get the location of the GATE home directory, used to resolve $gatehome$ relative paths in the GAPP file.


public void setGateHome(File gateHome)
Set the location of the GATE home directory, used to resolve $gatehome$ relative paths in the GAPP file.


public boolean isCopyPlugins()
Will the task copy the complete contents of referenced plugins into the target location?


public void setCopyPlugins(boolean copyPlugins)
Will the task copy the complete contents of referenced plugins into the target location? If false, only the bare minimum will be copied (the creole.xml files, any JARs referenced therein, and any directly referenced resource files). Anything extra must be copied in separately, typically with extra <copy> tasks after the <packagegapp> one.


public void setExpandIvy(boolean expandIvy)


public boolean getExpandIvy()


public boolean isCopyResourceDirs()
Will the task copy the complete contents of directories containing referenced resources into the target location or just the referenced resources themselves?


public void setCopyResourceDirs(boolean copyResourceDirs)
Will the task copy the complete contents of directories containing referenced resources into the target location? By default it does not do this, but only includes the directly-referenced resource files - for example, if the gapp refers to a .def file defining gazetteer lists, the lists themselves will not be included. If copyResourceDirs is false, the additional resources will need to be included using an appropriate <extraresourcespath>.


public PackageGappTask.UnresolvedAction getOnUnresolved()
Get the action performed when there are unresolved resources.


public void setOnUnresolved(PackageGappTask.UnresolvedAction onUnresolved)
What should we do if there are unresolved relpaths within the gapp file? By default the build will fail, but instead you can opt to have the relative paths replaced by absolute paths to the same URL, or to have the task recover by putting the files into an "application-resources" directory.


public PackageGappTask.MappingHint createHint()
Create and add the representation for a nested <hint from="X" to="Y" /> element.


public void addExtraResourcesPath( path)
Add a path containing extra resources that should be treated as if they had been referenced by relpaths within the gapp file. The locations to which these extra resources will be copied are determined by the plugins and mapping hints in the usual way.


public void execute()
execute in class