Package gate.util.spring.xml

Class Summary
AddPRBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser for <gate:add-pr>, producing a definition of a AddPRResourceCustomiser object.
CustomisableBeanDefinitionParser Common superclass for BeanDefinitionParsers for elements that support a nested <gate:customisers> element mapping to a "customisers" property in the parsed definition.
ExtraGatePluginBeanDefinitionParser Bean definition parser for <gate:extra-plugin>path</gate:extra-plugin> producing the equivalent of <bean class="gate.util.spring.ExtraGatePlugin"> <property name="location" value="path" /> </bean> While the element can take an id it is not normally necessary to provide one as the Init bean enumerates all ExtraGatePlugin beans by type, ignoring their IDs.
FeatureMapBeanDefinitionParser Bean definition parser for <gate:feature-map> elements, producing a definition for a FeatureMapFactoryBean.
InitBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser for <gate:init> elements, producing a definition for an Init object.
NamespaceHandler Spring namespace handler for the namespace.
PooledProxyBeanDefinitionDecorator Bean decorator to easily create a pool of target beans.
PoolFiller Simple bean that takes a pooled target source and performs a sequence of n getTarget calls followed by n releaseTarget calls.
ResourceBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser for <gate:resource>, producing a definition for a GateResourceFactoryBean.
SavedApplicationBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser for <gate:saved-application>, producing a definition for a SavedApplicationFactoryBean.
SetParameterBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser for <gate:set-parameter>, producing a definition of a SetParameterResourceCustomiser object.
UrlBeanDefinitionParser Bean definition parser for <gate:url>path</gate:url>, producing the equivalent of <bean class="gate.util.spring.SpringFactory" factory-method="resourceToUrl"> <constructor-arg value="path" /> </bean> The <gate:url> element can take an id attribute, but in most cases it will be used inline (e.g. as the value of a property or as an entry in a feature map).