package netty

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Engine extends AnyRef

    Defines the set of resources used for process scheduling and collecting active channels needed for graceful shutdown

  2. class HouseKeeper extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter

    Channel handler that keeps track of channels in a ChannelGroup for controlled shutdown.

    Channel handler that keeps track of channels in a ChannelGroup for controlled shutdown.

  3. class NotFoundHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter
  4. trait PortBinding extends PortBindingInfo

    A PortBinding defines a binding for a ServerBootstrap for a given address and port

  5. trait PortBindings extends AnyRef

    A mixin for binding ports to an instance of a netty Server

  6. case class Resources(base: URL, cacheSeconds: Int = 60, passOnFail: Boolean = true) extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter with Plan with ServerErrorResponse with Product with Serializable

    Serves static resources.

    Serves static resources. Adapted from Netty's example HttpStaticFileServerHandler

  7. case class SecureContextSocketBinding(port: Int, host: String, ssl: SslContextProvider) extends Secure with Product with Serializable

    A port binding for secure socket addresses backed by a netty SslContext

  8. case class SecureEngineSocketBinding(port: Int, host: String, ssl: SslEngineProvider) extends Secure with Product with Serializable

    A port binding for secure socket addresses backed by an implementation of a SSLEngine

  9. case class Server(portBindings: List[PortBinding], handlers: List[() ⇒ ChannelHandler], beforeStopBlock: () ⇒ Unit, chunkSize: Int, engine: Engine) extends RunnableServer with PlanServer[ChannelHandler] with PortBindings with Builder[Server] with Product with Serializable

    A RunnableServer backed by a list of netty bootstrapped port bindings

    A RunnableServer backed by a list of netty bootstrapped port bindings


    a list of port bindings


    a list of functions which produce channel handlers


    a function to be invoked when the server is shutdown before channels are closed


    the maximum size allowed for request body chunks


    defines a set of resourced used to make a netty server run

  10. case class SocketBinding(port: Int, host: String) extends Simple with Product with Serializable

    A basic port binding for a socket addresses

  11. trait SslContextProvider extends AnyRef
  12. trait SslEngineProvider extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Dates
  2. object Engine
  3. object Mimes
  4. object PortBinding
  5. object Retrieval

    Extracts HttpRequest if a retrieval method

  6. object Server extends PortBindings with Serializable
  7. object SslContextProvider
  8. object SslEngineProvider
