
abstract class Managed[+R] extends Runtime[R]

A runtime that can be shutdown to release resources allocated to it.

trait Runtime[R]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def shutdown(): Unit

Shuts down this runtime and releases resources allocated to it. Once this runtime has been shut down the behavior of methods on it is undefined and it should be discarded.

Shuts down this runtime and releases resources allocated to it. Once this runtime has been shut down the behavior of methods on it is undefined and it should be discarded.

Concrete methods

final override def as[R1](r1: R1): Managed[R1]
Definition Classes
final override def map[R1](f: R => R1): Managed[R1]
Definition Classes
final override def mapPlatform(f: Platform => Platform): Managed[R]
Definition Classes
final override def withExecutor(e: Executor): Managed[R]
Definition Classes
final override def withFatal(f: Throwable => Boolean): Managed[R]
Definition Classes
final override def withReportFailure(f: Cause[Any] => Unit): Managed[R]
Definition Classes
final override def withReportFatal(f: Throwable => Nothing): Managed[R]
Definition Classes
final override def withTracing(t: Tracing): Managed[R]
Definition Classes
final override def withTracingConfig(config: TracingConfig): Managed[R]
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

The environment of the runtime.

The environment of the runtime.

Inherited from:

The platform of the runtime, which provides the essential capabilities necessary to bootstrap execution of tasks.

The platform of the runtime, which provides the essential capabilities necessary to bootstrap execution of tasks.

Inherited from:
final def unsafeRun[E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A]): A

Executes the effect synchronously, failing with zio.FiberFailure if there are any errors. May fail on Scala.js if the effect cannot be entirely run synchronously.

Executes the effect synchronously, failing with zio.FiberFailure if there are any errors. May fail on Scala.js if the effect cannot be entirely run synchronously.

This method is effectful and should only be done at the edges of your program.

Inherited from:
final def unsafeRunAsync[E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A])(k: Exit[E, A] => Any): Unit

Executes the effect asynchronously, eventually passing the exit value to the specified callback.

Executes the effect asynchronously, eventually passing the exit value to the specified callback.

This method is effectful and should only be invoked at the edges of your program.

Inherited from:
final def unsafeRunAsyncCancelable[E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A])(k: Exit[E, A] => Any): Id => Exit[E, A]

Executes the effect asynchronously, eventually passing the exit value to the specified callback. It returns a callback, which can be used to interrupt the running execution.

Executes the effect asynchronously, eventually passing the exit value to the specified callback. It returns a callback, which can be used to interrupt the running execution.

This method is effectful and should only be invoked at the edges of your program.

Inherited from:
final def unsafeRunAsync_[E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A]): Unit

Executes the effect asynchronously, discarding the result of execution.

Executes the effect asynchronously, discarding the result of execution.

This method is effectful and should only be invoked at the edges of your program.

Inherited from:
final def unsafeRunSync[E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A]): Exit[E, A]

Executes the effect synchronously. May fail on Scala.js if the effect cannot be entirely run synchronously.

Executes the effect synchronously. May fail on Scala.js if the effect cannot be entirely run synchronously.

This method is effectful and should only be invoked at the edges of your program.

Inherited from:
final def unsafeRunTask[A](task: => RIO[R, A]): A

Executes the Task/RIO effect synchronously, failing with the original Throwable on both Cause.Fail and Cause.Die. In addition, appends a new element to the suppressed exceptions of the Throwable, with this Cause "pretty printed" (in stackless mode) as the message. May fail on Scala.js if the effect cannot be entirely run synchronously.

Executes the Task/RIO effect synchronously, failing with the original Throwable on both Cause.Fail and Cause.Die. In addition, appends a new element to the suppressed exceptions of the Throwable, with this Cause "pretty printed" (in stackless mode) as the message. May fail on Scala.js if the effect cannot be entirely run synchronously.

This method is effectful and should only be done at the edges of your program.

Inherited from:
final def unsafeRunToFuture[E <: Throwable, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A]): CancelableFuture[A]

Runs the IO, returning a Future that will be completed when the effect has been executed.

Runs the IO, returning a Future that will be completed when the effect has been executed.

This method is effectful and should only be used at the edges of your program.

Inherited from:

Constructs a new Runtime with the specified yield strategy.

Constructs a new Runtime with the specified yield strategy.

Inherited from: