
abstract class Platform

A Platform provides the minimum capabilities necessary to bootstrap execution of ZIO tasks.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Proxy

Value members

Abstract methods

Retrieves the default executor.

Retrieves the default executor.

Determines if a throwable is fatal or not. It is important to identify these as it is not recommended to catch, and try to recover from, any fatal error.

Determines if a throwable is fatal or not. It is important to identify these as it is not recommended to catch, and try to recover from, any fatal error.

def reportFailure(cause: Cause[Any]): Unit

Reports the specified failure.

Reports the specified failure.

def reportFatal(t: Throwable): Nothing

Reports a fatal error.

Reports a fatal error.

ZIO Tracing configuration.

ZIO Tracing configuration.

Concrete methods

def withReportFatal(f: Throwable => Nothing): Platform

Determines if the Runtime should yield right at the beginning of the evaluation.

Determines if the Runtime should yield right at the beginning of the evaluation.

Specifies if ZIO should yield immediately or not.

Specifies if ZIO should yield immediately or not.