
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object UnwriterT

Value members

Concrete methods

def tell[W](w: W): Unwriter[W, Unit]
def unput[F[_], W, A](value: F[A])(w: W)(implicit F: Functor[F]): UnwriterT[F, W, A]
def unputWith[F[_], W, A](value: F[A])(w: A => W)(implicit F: Functor[F]): UnwriterT[F, W, A]

Puts the written value that is produced by applying the given function into a unwriter transformer and associates with value

Puts the written value that is produced by applying the given function into a unwriter transformer and associates with value

def unwriter[W, A](v: (W, A)): Unwriter[W, A]
def unwriterT[F[_], W, A](v: F[(W, A)]): UnwriterT[F, W, A]