
class IdOps[A](self: A) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def ??(d: => A)(implicit ev: Null <:< A): A

Returns self if it is non-null, otherwise returns d.

Returns self if it is non-null, otherwise returns d.

def ?|>(p: A => Boolean, f: A => A): A

Applies self to the provided function if the predicate is satisfied, otherwise return self.

Applies self to the provided function if the predicate is satisfied, otherwise return self.

def applyIf(p: A => Boolean)(f: A => A): A

Applies self to the provided function if the predicate is satisfied, otherwise return self.

Applies self to the provided function if the predicate is satisfied, otherwise return self.

def doWhile(f: A => A, p: A => Boolean): A

Repeatedly apply f, seeded with self, checking after each iteration whether the predicate p holds.

Repeatedly apply f, seeded with self, checking after each iteration whether the predicate p holds.

def into[B](f: A => B): B

Alternative syntax for the Thrush combinator or a total match.

Alternative syntax for the Thrush combinator or a total match.

def matchOrZero[B : Monoid](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): B

the result of pf(value) if defined, otherwise the Zero element of type B.

def squared: (A, A)
def visit[F[_] : Applicative](p: PartialFunction[A, F[A]]): F[A]

If the provided partial function is defined for self run this, otherwise lift self into F with the provided scalaz.Applicative.

If the provided partial function is defined for self run this, otherwise lift self into F with the provided scalaz.Applicative.

def whileDo(f: A => A, p: A => Boolean): A

Repeatedly apply f, seeded with self, checking before each iteration whether the predicate p holds.

Repeatedly apply f, seeded with self, checking before each iteration whether the predicate p holds.

def |>[B](f: A => B): B

Applies self to the provided function. The Thrush combinator.

Applies self to the provided function. The Thrush combinator.

def [B](f: A => B): B

Applies self to the provided function. The Thrush combinator.

Applies self to the provided function. The Thrush combinator.